i made this poll to see which character is the least popular among fans. My least favorite is Sakura. i hate how she didn't really do anything in the first half of the series except cry and yell for someone else to help her.
"Throw away your logic and kick reason to the curb! Beautifully following the golden road! If there’s a wall, we knock it down! It’s a road built with these hands! The Magma of the Heart’s Final Ignition! Perfect Unification Gurren-Lagann!"
I'm not a complete hater of Yamato; he's awesome at times, but when I start to feel like he takes over Kakashi's role I can't help but be a little upset.
Kabuto, there absolutly nothing I like about him, and I hate everything about him. Always have, and he's never given me any reason to think otherwise. Aside from him, Danzo comes in at a close second. For a third I'd have to say Karin ^^
People live their lives bound by what they see as "right" and "true". That's what they call "reality". However, "right" and "true" are nothing but vague terms. Their reality could turn out to be an illusion. Everyone is living by their own assumptions.
I really dislike sakura only on the basis that in the first season she was really useless and a crybaby. She's okay now but I can't help but not like her :P
Uchihas, most of the Akatsuki (except Hidan and Deidara, and maybe Kisame), Kabuto (HATE!!!!), Sakura, Ino, Sai and Kankuro annnoy me as well and some of the others....lol
Warrior39 said: Uchihas, most of the Akatsuki (except Hidan and Deidara, and maybe Kisame), Kabuto (HATE!!!!), Sakura, Ino, Sai and Kankuro annnoy me as well and some of the others....lol
How can Kankuro possibly annoy you? He's a character that doesn't even make very many appearances!
Yorozuya-no-Yume said: I hate Hinata, she's so annoying, probably one of the worst characters ever...
I know a lot of people like her, but it's my opinion, though xP
^ agree.
And people say Sakura is annoying. Hinata is the most annoying Naruto character.
I hate how she's always saying "naruto-kun..." or w/e. she's creepy and stalker-ish. =.=
Sakura didn't do too well in the first Naruto, BUT she got better you blind people.
Sakura is awesome now. and weather you like it or not, she's a vary important main character of Naruto. :)
I can see that near all the Hinata's haters are women, or i'm the only one seeing it? xD Personally, i don't like Sakura. She's strong and capable, but has the worst personality (i'm not talking about development, coz it's good). How can one of the main characters be soooo annoying? There are eps then i just can't watch. Though she IS getting a bit better, i hope she WILL not stop and become someone likeable .
Sakura! and I'm happy she's on the lead, haha. I used to hate Rock Lee's green tight pants, but I kinda like him now after watching NarutoSD Rock Lee. For all the Rock Lee haters out there, watch this and embrace the change.. http://www.tailedfox.com/rock-lee-pv1
Sakura -.- & I'm happy to see that many other people hate her too. In the first series she was just a bother. All she could do was to scream: 'SASUKEEEE!!!' all the time. -.- Well, now she's a little stronger, but she still annoys me to hell.
If I could choose 2 I would pick Shizune. She's just sooo useless & her pig...
I hate Sasuke. I can't understand his resolve, he is not consistent, he is so selfish! There should be a fight between him and Naruto soon and Naruto should kick his a** so that he can have a little bit of reason maybe.
I feel better.
I really hate Sakura. When I just had started to watch Shippuden I thought she had changed- but hellnooo. She still beats up Naruto over nothing, still obsessed with Sasuke (same goes for Naruto, but he's doing in the right way. heh) and still crying and hoping that Naruto will fix the mess! Ofcourse she had to lie about "I love you, Naruto-kun.." stupid bitch.
It's an atrocity that someone would actually hate Orochimaru-sama. Therefore I shall boycott this poll and the OP for daring to add his name to that List!
"Every man shall reap what he has sown, from the highest lord to the lowest gutter rat. And some will lose more than the tips off their fingers, I promise you. They have made my kingdom bleed, and I do not forget that"
i can't stand that sasuke became hated because of the auther i used to and still like him the most but i understand why people started to dislike him after orochi and the other staff he went through his weird resolve which i think there should be a topic of it's own about why it's right or not :D
I just HATEEE DANZOOO!!!!But I couldn't find him on the list, also Sai and Yamato-They just annoy me , ruining team 7 and the Sasu-Saku-Naru-Kaka relationship.Why couldn't Sakura and Naruto continue not to like Sai ?!It was so much better this way!
I AM IN LOVE WITH MORGIANA FROM MAGI THE LABYRINTH OF MAGIC!THE MOST EPIC GIRL EVER!!! signature and aviie by @AztikDarklord AztikDarklord>A Thick Dartboard
Ero-Genin said: I hate Kankuro because of his strange costume and "makeup", furthermore he's the only person who doesn't bring anything interesting to the all series
Wow. You're reason for hating him is really dumb. You know, if you're going to hate a character, hate them for doing something despicable and unforgivable. Hating a character simply because of their looks and the fact that they don't get much screentime does not, in my mind, constitute hatred for a character. That kind of feeling is apathy, my friend. That's VERY different from hatred. If Kankuro showed up more often and had a more prominant role in the story, You'd be feeling quite differently about him.
I just HATE Sakura!
She is totally useless... The anime would have been better off without her!
I also hate Sasuke, but when it comes down to choose from those two, I hate Sakura just a bit more than Sasuke...
Sasuke is stronger, that is the only reason...
Man, I hate Orochimaru so much. He's so weird. XD I mean, if he was a good guy he could have been great use to the Hidden Leaf Village since he is a Sannin and all. He chose the wrong path, and I think that's why I dislike him so much. But, you know if there was no bad guys, then it wouldn't be as much fun, right? :P
Hidan, because he is total freak. Moreover, he killed Asuma.
"You don't become Hokage in order to be acknowledged by the village.
The one who is acknowledged by everyone, is the one who becomes Hokage."
Uchiha Itachi, Naruto Shippuden