How I Won Jerma's House Flipper Tournament

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • I made a Barbie Dream House for Jerma. I know nothing about Barbie
    Jerma has since had a House Flipper 2 Tournament, it is time to lie again and you can watch it here: • How I Lied in Jerma's ...
    ~This video was recorded live on my Twitch Channel: / rtgame
    ~Subscribe if you'd like to see more! / @rtgame
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    ~Watch my full streams on my Archive Channel: / rtgamestreamarchive
    Everything in this video was recorded live on my Twitch Channel. My schedule is Tuesday & Thursday @ 7pm, Saturday & Sunday @ 3pm - all times based in Ireland.
    Edited by Ashtaric (Cloé), you can find her here: / xashtaricx
    And here: / ashtaric
    Jerma: / jerma985
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Комментарии • 2,2 тыс.

  • @RTGame
    @RTGame  Год назад +20372

    So is anyone else planning to see the Barbie movie soon, I have a used car I could sell you to get to the cinema
    I cant believe I won this, and neither can you

    • @jermocha
      @jermocha Год назад +358

      is it pink? otherwise i’m not taking it

    • @spider6060
      @spider6060 Год назад +127

      we all belived in you sometimes

    • @aclaymushroomwithaberet7084
      @aclaymushroomwithaberet7084 Год назад +83

      I indeed can't believe you won Jerma's unofficial official house flipper tournament ™

    • @TheGreatCaptainGinyu
      @TheGreatCaptainGinyu Год назад +34

      are tickets included+a barbie playhouse?

    • @tomfoolery2885
      @tomfoolery2885 Год назад +15

      Real talk, I'm so excited for Oppenheimer

  • @placeholder2586
    @placeholder2586 Год назад +24053

    Everyone's chat was freaking out over rts house going "He's so cracked" "He thought this out so much"
    Then rts chat was just "You're so full of shit"

    • @TS_Mind_Swept
      @TS_Mind_Swept Год назад +914

      ​@@WillKMBwell 3.3k people thought it was funny, yet not one of them agreed with you; looks like you should take your own advice Keepo

    • @arnold3065
      @arnold3065 Год назад +192

      @@TS_Mind_Sweptthey really liked they own comment😭

    • @TS_Mind_Swept
      @TS_Mind_Swept Год назад +24

      @@arnold3065 must've SuperVinlin

    • @NoobProbably
      @NoobProbably Год назад +44

      @@WillKMBdamn, he wasnt able to please WillKMB whatever shall he do!

    • @wackygoober
      @wackygoober Год назад +154

      @@WillKMB what was this comment before it was edited

  • @ThatDmnPisces
    @ThatDmnPisces Год назад +13028

    “I can make a Barbie house. I can make a Barbie house.”
    He chants to himself as he breaks down a supporting wall with his sledgehammer.

  • @PineappleLiar
    @PineappleLiar Год назад +8325

    Sure most of the win was due to BS-ing, but let’s not forget the one thing that secured him first place:
    He cleaned out the corner next to the garage.

    • @edwiinandresmosqueramarulanda
      @edwiinandresmosqueramarulanda Год назад +678

      That 100 in cleanliness did matter hahaha

    • @sellen_
      @sellen_ Год назад +28


    • @philosophy_bot4171
      @philosophy_bot4171 Год назад +157

      Beep bop... I'm the Philosophy Bot. Here, have a quote:
      "Don't forget to love yourself"
      ~ Søren Kierkegaard

    • @inumizuno
      @inumizuno Год назад +78

      ​@@philosophy_bot4171Thank you philosophy bot

    • @Jezzibolt
      @Jezzibolt Год назад +14

      One of the only good bots lol

  • @AstroCantType
    @AstroCantType Год назад +5446

    Dan seriously fumbled his way through making the house and said “yeah, I’ll bullshit him and win” and then bullshitted him and won

  • @pinatahunter9666
    @pinatahunter9666 Год назад +16049

    I cannot believe he got away with the bathroom stickers when the picture he chose was LITERALLY a plastic Barbie bathroom set.

    • @JubioHDX
      @JubioHDX Год назад +3264

      to be fair barbie has genuinely used stickers to stand in for the bathroom before in the past, but the actual reason isnt to save money its cause small pieces of plastic are choking hazards

    • @AltheaIsana
      @AltheaIsana Год назад +936

      @@JubioHDX oh wow, I remembered having these stickers in the dollhouses when I was little but I never thought that it would've been dangerous if it were actual plastic! Thank you :)

    • @reddytoplay9188
      @reddytoplay9188 Год назад +376

      @@AltheaIsana some kids are total idiots compared to others so it is important to not let those little ones choke from eating weird plastic

    • @FerretsForever94
      @FerretsForever94 Год назад +202

      @@JubioHDX I can confirm this too. One of my old barbie doll houses had stickers for the kitchen/dining room as well.

    • @tesodra3863
      @tesodra3863 Год назад +118

      @@JubioHDX LITERALLY, I still have a barbie house that me and my sister saved since we were young! the bathroom has stickers, so does the kitchen, and then a vanity above where the bed is stickers!

  • @bagetblue2043
    @bagetblue2043 Год назад +21037

    Remember kids, whenever you make a mistake just gaslight your way into victory so that no one knows that it was ever a mistake.

    • @toothless2773
      @toothless2773 Год назад +577

      Damn I think I actually love gaslighting.

    • @theloudestscreamiveeverscrem
      @theloudestscreamiveeverscrem Год назад +406

      ​@@toothless2773no you don't

    • @L00LB
      @L00LB Год назад +316

      ​@@theloudestscreamiveeverscremYes he does

    • @Diabhork
      @Diabhork Год назад +383

      RTSlay's guide to gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing when?

    • @lukaskoda888
      @lukaskoda888 Год назад +155

      As I learned doing plays, you've only messed up if people don't think it was intentional

  • @linzonn
    @linzonn Год назад +19317

    I was watching the building segment with one of my kids. He asked if this was supposed to be a relaxing game. I think he was concerned.

    • @voidlessky8048
      @voidlessky8048 Год назад +655

      Your kid knows rt well

    • @asoupyferretnamedfar3634
      @asoupyferretnamedfar3634 Год назад +88

      I would be too

    • @Mantis24513
      @Mantis24513 Год назад +571

      He truly has a talent for making the most relaxing games stressful and the most stressful games relaxing, except when it comes to Splatoon.

    • @MrCheese270
      @MrCheese270 Год назад +56

      @@Mantis24513he is the king of doing that

    • @patrykjaskowski4226
      @patrykjaskowski4226 Год назад +84

      ​@@MrCheese270 and drifting, he only lost his cool when playing a competitive shooter!

  • @AinuLaire
    @AinuLaire Год назад +26723

    RT using his English degree to bullshit his way to the top. A true legend.

    • @itrixel
      @itrixel Год назад +766

      @invader_guy1171 ludwig too

    • @gran.kahuna
      @gran.kahuna Год назад +1187

      Glad the english degree worked out for all of them

    • @Ake-TL
      @Ake-TL Год назад +526

      Job that english degree is useful for is apparently video game related entertainment

    • @diablo.the.cheater
      @diablo.the.cheater Год назад +376

      TBH it is actually one of the few degrees that would make sense for a content creator

    • @archiebudge1821
      @archiebudge1821 Год назад +230

      I recognised English Student brand waffling as soon as I heard it.

  • @johnnyshortfor
    @johnnyshortfor Год назад +7288

    Everyone saying Dan was lying needs to give him the proper credit - as we saw when he flashed the Wikipedia article on screen, he *crammed* and it *worked.*

    • @DoKuShOsTaR
      @DoKuShOsTaR Год назад +655

      That’s true, but also he’s claiming things he did on accident or due to not enough time to be on purpose. It’s like if you were in an art class, were told to make a painting in Picasso’s style. So you do so off a vague memory and then while others are presenting do some googling. Then while presenting you point out pieces of the painting that just happened to line up with Picasso’s style and said it was intended. It’s not wrong, you did what you were supposed to do, you completed the assignment, but you weren’t fuuuully honest. All the power to you for pulling it off though LMAO

    • @coffee-with-sprats
      @coffee-with-sprats Год назад +354

      As someone else in replies to one of the comments said:
      He was lying, indeed. But he wasn't lying about intentions and other unexpected things during presentation. He was gaslighting us into believing that he didn't know much about Barbie, although he played with his grandma's Barbie house as a kid.
      And i pointed, that he had us in both parts, not gonna lie. And that stunt with him reading that Wiki page was just an icing on the cake. Brilliant. If i didn't know that he's not reading anything himself, i would've believed in that bs. 😂 An actual improv king !

    • @upforellie
      @upforellie Год назад +64

      ngl I've crammed my way though life and I've got a great job. It works. It's the motto of our generation.

    • @coffee-with-sprats
      @coffee-with-sprats Год назад +1

      You don't say.
      You should've been there when Jerma crammed his ass with those baseball balls. He's a true ball fondler !

    • @UnkownWonders
      @UnkownWonders Год назад +106

      its literally just the phrase fake it until you make it. Sure he wasnt fully honest over it only being by coincidence or ue to lack of time, BUT thats exactly what all people have to learn to do to an extend since this is the most used way to pitch anything including game plan, houseplans, design, etc. you really have to work around the flaws and pitch it to be something intended making it look unique and more creative. so i agree he deserves more credit to being able to successfully pitch his house

  • @eyeballjay
    @eyeballjay Год назад +6364

    With Jerma being a former subsitute teacher, and RT with his English degree and bullshitting skills this was bound to happen. Their vibes matched perfectly

    • @thehumanity0
      @thehumanity0 Год назад +623

      Lol it definitely had some 'teacher trying too hard' and 'kid masterfully bullshitting a crammed presentation' vibes going on.

    • @samtheballoon1522
      @samtheballoon1522 Год назад +167

      Jeremy as anything except a streamer messes with my view of reality

    • @giantenemycrab5596
      @giantenemycrab5596 6 месяцев назад +26

      Unstoppable force meets immovable object

  • @Low_on_nothing
    @Low_on_nothing Год назад +9056

    Rt bullshitting his way through the sales pitch making the pink paint a strawberry ice cream, the garage a separate sale and the single colour everywhere a plastic is fucking hilarious. If this twitch and RUclips thing don’t work out he’ll be selling used cars

    • @ToodleDoodle
      @ToodleDoodle Год назад +788

      The paint cans as ice cream is even funnier if you've watched Jerma's old Jermall of America build in one of his House Flipper streams. He wanted to make an ice cream parlor but there was no furniture for it, so he just lined up different paint cans, took a photo of it to place as the banner of the parlor and told chat to pretend they were ice cream.

    • @seisosimp
      @seisosimp Год назад +262

      Oh the pink paint was bullshit alright. Everything else, though? Absolutely facts, for some reason 😂

    • @LiveMajimaReaction
      @LiveMajimaReaction Год назад +43

      ​@ToodleDoodle that's what I thought of too when I heard him say the paint was ice cream

    • @sho3bum
      @sho3bum Год назад +2

      Like the merc gla?

    • @simonschnedl
      @simonschnedl Год назад +12

      Selling used Barbie Toys

  • @DaJodad
    @DaJodad Год назад +10504

    I love how RT essentially just said the exact right words in the exact right way to make a lunatic like Jerma believe every word of it when in actual fact the only one who gave a real history lesson was Ludwig. RT won that charisma check

    • @diablo.the.cheater
      @diablo.the.cheater Год назад +762

      Yep, that is a nat20

    • @menaatefadly
      @menaatefadly Год назад +502

      ​@@diablo.the.cheaterthat felt like a Nat20 on 3 different dice

    • @swiftlymurmurs
      @swiftlymurmurs Год назад +862

      Actually most of what Ludwig said about H. H. Holmes is the embellished true crime podcast version of events, RT was probably the more truthful one

    • @MidnightVoyager
      @MidnightVoyager Год назад +273

      H. H. Holmes's only secret rooms were where he hid furniture that he rented and didn't want to pay for/return.

    • @DaJodad
      @DaJodad Год назад +333

      From reading other people's comments and replies, I have learned that RT somehow b.s his way to the truth. That is prophetic levels of charisma and luck

  • @EastofAll
    @EastofAll Год назад +11347

    As great as the Barbie Dream house was, I'm fairly certain it was RT's bullshitting abilities that secured his victory. Now I'm curious as to what Jerma will think when he finds out the truth

    • @iexplainjokesforaliving.5415
      @iexplainjokesforaliving.5415 Год назад +1756

      I'd like to believe that it's the English degree at its full power

    • @kaksspl
      @kaksspl Год назад +573

      @@iexplainjokesforaliving.5415 He finally got some use out of it!

    • @xybacalibur
      @xybacalibur Год назад +1304

      Dan said he told him after the competition and Jerma found it hilarious (source: Maritime Southeast Asia Minecraft Build Stream)

    • @user-xv1cs9mm9d
      @user-xv1cs9mm9d Год назад +294

      They 100% ignored the paint buckets

    • @Emily12471
      @Emily12471 Год назад +582

      ​@@user-xv1cs9mm9dice cream buckets

  • @NathanTheMan
    @NathanTheMan Год назад +12604

    Every time RT says something like, “Aw, you’re too kind.” when responding to something, he’s actually secretly saying, “How did I get away with that???”

    • @NBLT-rk6lp
      @NBLT-rk6lp Год назад +483

      Literally the definition of "Beating them with Kindness".

    • @nyarg33
      @nyarg33 Год назад +315

      ive been playing WAY too much ace attorney (RT play great ace attorney on stream challenge) and to me its just
      "Aw you're too kind!"
      (How did I get away with that!?)

    • @samandom8772
      @samandom8772 Год назад +60

      @@nyarg33 Jerma is the judge in this case.

    • @Crackhog
      @Crackhog Год назад +55

      ​@@samandom8772Chat is the prosecution

    • @MelonHere20
      @MelonHere20 Год назад +10


  • @collectaBK7
    @collectaBK7 Год назад +6357

    I think one of the funniest parts about this is that RT presented his house at 1 AM this time. He was supposed to go towards the front but he let someone else go ahead of him and Jerma just kept consistently forgetting about him as they moved down the line.

    • @unslept_em
      @unslept_em Год назад +1397

      honestly the later you go in this, the more ammo you have to think of how to uniquely present your house

    • @thereisnoneedtocallmesir
      @thereisnoneedtocallmesir Год назад +671

      Imagine if he /doesn’t/ have great sound proofing and you are his neighbor, hearing a grown man talk about a barbie dream house he claims to somehow have built with working lights at 1 am

    • @doozy5184
      @doozy5184 Год назад +282

      He would have been absolutely demolished had he gone first

    • @coffee-with-sprats
      @coffee-with-sprats Год назад +183

      Yeah. Go find out why he delayed as much as possible, while trying to wrap his head around how he can bs his way to victory. Also known as "used car salesman presentation".

    • @shiiiiiion
      @shiiiiiion Год назад +207

      ​@@coffee-with-spratsYou know he majored in English when he can easily bullshit a failed project into top of his class

  • @petertodorov5592
    @petertodorov5592 Год назад +6263

    I love how RT barely won only because he learned from the mistakes of others and made the perfect 0 points deducted presentation

    • @mosesracal6758
      @mosesracal6758 Год назад +713

      How every school presentation usually goes lmao

  • @flapjackrabbit480
    @flapjackrabbit480 Год назад +6442

    Seeing this from Jerma's end only to see this from RTGame's side feels like I've been gaslit.

    • @ghostreaper100100
      @ghostreaper100100 Год назад +595

      Always have been

    • @LifesNeverHumDrum
      @LifesNeverHumDrum Год назад +532

      Joel gassed us at the beginning of the tours, and it finally hit when we got to RT’s

    • @PikaJim
      @PikaJim Год назад +15


    • @JamesTDG
      @JamesTDG Год назад +12

      Well, he did

    • @coalkingryan881
      @coalkingryan881 Год назад +648

      Honestly, I was like “wow an actual normal house with a beautiful yard. RT really knows his stuff. AND he knows the topic he made the house about? Wow he really went leagues ahead of everyone… oh, none of this was planned, he lied about nearly everything. I can’t believe this.”

  • @CrispyShroom
    @CrispyShroom Год назад +14507

    I cannot believe RT won while lying his ass off about Barbie lmao

    • @vivil2533
      @vivil2533 Год назад +1613

      As long as you sound confident few people will question you.

    • @Frenchfraeis
      @Frenchfraeis Год назад +1

      You gotta believe your lies to convince others of it, and goddamn did RT believe it.

    • @aerial11
      @aerial11 Год назад +917

      As with most creative endeavors it's 10% the idea, 90% how you sell it.

    • @Pengu69420
      @Pengu69420 Год назад +328

      Don't hate, I did all my graphic design homework that way!

    • @witherrose1566
      @witherrose1566 Год назад +108

      Fake it till you make it

  • @trackernivrig
    @trackernivrig Год назад +2873

    I watched Jerma's PoV and I had absolutely no idea that RT was just making 99% of this stuff up. He sold this so well it's crazy. I didn't suspect a thing.

    • @zeldalink1555
      @zeldalink1555 Год назад +194

      He was actually right about a lot of it lol

    • @walkingonneedles
      @walkingonneedles Год назад +346

      ​@@zeldalink1555considering he showed the Wikipedia article on screen i can definitely bet he was researching as much as possible before his turn to know what he can bullshit and what he can't

    • @thefailus4550
      @thefailus4550 Год назад +88

      this is why marketing is more important than the quality of a product

    • @jezusmylord
      @jezusmylord 2 месяца назад +2

      @@thefailus4550 well yeah unless youre the buyer

  • @lyds_istired
    @lyds_istired Год назад +1924

    the complete contrast from rt’s panic running around breaking things to his calm “we thought of that” in the presentation was killing me

  • @JOHNY0
    @JOHNY0 Год назад +3495

    RT: "I have the advantage, I've actually played this game before"
    RT shortly after: "how do I fill a hole in the house?"

    • @ladrok97
      @ladrok97 Год назад +95

      And also failed succesfully at that task

  • @Subpar1O1
    @Subpar1O1 Год назад +5430

    I like the idea Jerma had absolutely no plan for this tournament so he just summoned some RUclipsrs on a whim and told them to play House Flipper

    • @khajiithaswares4147
      @khajiithaswares4147 Год назад +269

      He truly is the German nine to five

    • @snusey3642
      @snusey3642 Год назад +312

      JERMA has them all in his BASEMENT and FORCED them to play HOUSE FLIPPER for CONTENT

    • @cheddarsunchipsyes8144
      @cheddarsunchipsyes8144 Год назад +49

      @@snusey3642so? A normal jerma video

    • @unfortunatedisgrace246
      @unfortunatedisgrace246 Год назад +16

      and rt matched that energy perfectly

    • @yuviaro3511
      @yuviaro3511 Год назад

      ​@@KnightandDay33Jerma smellt the smelly smells and then got GGGASlit by pathological liar RTGGGASgame

  • @thisisausername9356
    @thisisausername9356 Год назад +6215

    Fitting that RT originally went for a Simpsons House, given how much this resembles Skinner bullshitting his way through the Steamed Hams Ordeal

    • @coolcomment8
      @coolcomment8 Год назад +798

      "What if... I were to purchase the Simpson house and disguise it as my Barbie Dreamland?"

    • @musclecat1005
      @musclecat1005 Год назад +439

      Delightfully devilish, Daniel

    • @joshstraub6972
      @joshstraub6972 Год назад +112

      Ah well, that was wonderful. Good time was had by all, I'm pooped

    • @silverstorm3729
      @silverstorm3729 Год назад +60

      My God, you're right.

    • @discordlexia2429
      @discordlexia2429 Год назад +137

      "D'oh, no, I said Barbie Dream House. That's what I call a pinkish clusterfuck."

  • @dramaticallyread
    @dramaticallyread Год назад +1795

    "You call them steamed hams despite the fact they are obviously grilled"
    RT: "yes"

  • @Mr48two
    @Mr48two Год назад +1509

    HE GOT 100% cleanliness because he used the paint cans as a ice cream stand!! His ability to talk shxt got him the dub.

    • @AliceDiableaux
      @AliceDiableaux Год назад +311

      He also was lucky as shit that he decided to put the sand down because it hid the sacks of concrete still left in the yard lol. You can see him purposefully pointing the camera up when walking to the corner behind the garage and then walking back with the camera to the fence and Jerma didn't notice a thing lo.

    • @thewildmonarch
      @thewildmonarch Год назад +185

      ​@@AliceDiableauxthats like the equivalent to standing in front of a broken vase so your mom doesnt see it lmaoooo

  • @PeopleCallMeDut
    @PeopleCallMeDut Год назад +2231

    I totally believed the whole spiel when I was watching Jerma's perspective. "This guy really had a real philosophy from the very beginning" when the words "Barbie House" weren't mentioned until 36 minutes left

  • @Nobody0805
    @Nobody0805 Год назад +5179

    He used to be called the drift king back in college, now he’ll be called the flip king

    • @mergays2008
      @mergays2008 Год назад +145

      More like the grift king

    • @Americanbadashh
      @Americanbadashh Год назад +36

      So that's why he's a used car salesman

    • @Someone-sc2hk
      @Someone-sc2hk Год назад +14

      and a bit of bullshitting king as well

    • @gunmunz
      @gunmunz Год назад +8

      Drift king used auto sales!

    • @SporkSlayer
      @SporkSlayer Год назад +7

      @@gunmunz Shop with us and we'll treat you like royalty.
      You'll be so happy with your car, you'll drift home and feel like a champion.

  • @grimgrinningghost8528
    @grimgrinningghost8528 Год назад +6667

    RT saying just the right things to win the competition was the equivalent of defeating the Legate in Fallout New Vegas using only speech checks.

    • @Romanticoutlaw
      @Romanticoutlaw Год назад +399

      it unironically was a 100 barter check

    • @JBBrickman
      @JBBrickman Год назад +82

      Haven’t gotten to new Vegas yet but in my recent first play through of Fallout 3 I walked up to the president computer, all I did was talk to him, and then he was compelled to completely self-destructed the whole enclave empire, which was a little sad, but it was good for the story I guess.

    • @daymuntaku6590
      @daymuntaku6590 Год назад +50

      ​@@JBBrickmanjust like:
      "...Fair enough"

    • @BUMMY105
      @BUMMY105 Год назад +18

      @@JBBrickman the game lets you pick whatever dialogue option there is at that point, except for one if you want to "Spare the Enclave", and all would do the exact same thing. It's a perfect preservation of the history on how Bethesda is dogshite with storytelling.

    • @Ndjsjfixjs
      @Ndjsjfixjs Год назад +12

      He didnt mention the swiss cheese plants 💔💔

  • @elizabethbranscome9146
    @elizabethbranscome9146 Год назад +4871

    Okay but as someone who had a Barbie house that had colored floors and white walls, and knew someone who had a Barbie house that had the stickers, he technically wasn’t lying about either of those being design choices for Barbie houses.

    • @cainprescott4937
      @cainprescott4937 Год назад +421

      Now this brings up an interesting question: is it still lying if you just didn't know it was true?

    • @Weaver-76244
      @Weaver-76244 Год назад +88

      ​@@cainprescott4937Not particularly no

    • @helper_bot
      @helper_bot Год назад +59

      was the garage also sold separately i need to know

    • @Lethe_Nyx
      @Lethe_Nyx Год назад +246

      I mean he did pull the wikipedia article up at one point, so it might have been mentioned there

    • @Creeper7ech
      @Creeper7ech Год назад +13

      ​@@helper_botI think so

  • @Crazy56U
    @Crazy56U Год назад +2980

    Having seen Jerma's video first, the fact that doing Barbie's dreamhouse _wasn't_ your initial plan, and was actually a last-minute change, honestly makes your victory all the more impressive.

  • @shubtakkorathinasapostle1159
    @shubtakkorathinasapostle1159 Год назад +4887

    In the true spirit of the 1960s Barbie Dream House, RT mastered the ultimate techniques of gaslight, gatekeep, and girlboss.

  • @bertramjensen188
    @bertramjensen188 Год назад +7923

    Apparently RT is the kind to start over an essay hours before it's due and still get away with an A or B

    • @MitziTheAwesome
      @MitziTheAwesome Год назад +565

      He is an English major after all

    • @cainprescott4937
      @cainprescott4937 Год назад +370

      He wouldn't be the Drift King if he couldn't slide past the finish line at the last possible moment

    • @kingpanguan
      @kingpanguan Год назад +18

      Damn I haven't seen that pfp in a while

    • @coalkingryan881
      @coalkingryan881 Год назад +4

      He’s literally me

    • @iasomnium919
      @iasomnium919 Год назад +38

      English Majors: "This is the Way."

  • @isaacthered
    @isaacthered Год назад +4250

    For those who haven't seen it yet, Poke's house had radios every five feet looping the first three notes of some random corporate stock music. Every time he passed one of the radios, he would pause, turn it on, and continue without acknowledging it. It added to the atmosphere immensely.

    • @Wired_User
      @Wired_User Год назад +1

      What the fuck

    • @mycology5242
      @mycology5242 Год назад +173

      I had to pause to catch my breath it was so funny

    • @feltycomic8558
      @feltycomic8558 Год назад +57

      Im pretty sure its starting few notes to a song he made and uploaded into the game lmao

    • @Cssfallout
      @Cssfallout Год назад +68

      Waiting for the garage doors every time going to a new room had me in tears

    • @usernametaken017
      @usernametaken017 9 месяцев назад +2


  • @SarahSnow99
    @SarahSnow99 Год назад +1560

    i was in criken's chat, and the whole time we were trying to convince him to commit to the Barbie bit, which he didn't. When RT's Barbie Dreamhouse was revealed, I screamed. A bullet was dodged lmao

  • @herohalv4543
    @herohalv4543 Год назад +445

    The emotional Rollercoaster of "How is he gonna win" to "HOW THE HELL is he gonna win" to "oh my god he's gonna win" in this video is incredible

  • @scrungybingus285
    @scrungybingus285 Год назад +4441

    After watching the Jerma stream it’s crazy to find out how much of this RT actually just pulled out of his ass in the last 30 minutes. He _really_ sold the Dreamhouse as his passion project.

    • @Undergamer12
      @Undergamer12 Год назад +495

      RT really pass the charisma check

    • @jessefanshaw8948
      @jessefanshaw8948 Год назад +193

      It’s the english degree

    • @trackernivrig
      @trackernivrig Год назад +7

      Same here, it's crazy

    • @00Discourse00
      @00Discourse00 Год назад +86

      Sort of, the 30 minute panic was news to me, but I absolutely knew he was insanely full of it at the time. The paint buckets; the lazy stickers; the untouched garage that "he thought of removing entirely because it's sold seperately" (but then why didn't he remove it?); the exposed dirt under the swing-set; the unpainted walls upstairs; the vomitted plants; It's all far too convenient, and he had an answer for everything. Most importantly though you should never bullshit a bullshit artist, and whilst _most_ American viewers will easily fall prey to his charms, anyone who is even slightly familiar with or related to RT's culture started with a presumption of guilt, that he'd be highly proficient in, and very likely to try telling a story that would benefit him. If you rewatch this, I want you to take note of just how quickly RT decides he'll try to talk his way out of it, that's his cozy place - what he's familiar and comfortable with.

    • @trackernivrig
      @trackernivrig Год назад +175

      @@00Discourse00 I am a very frequent RT watcher and had no idea.
      Also as for the garage a lot of people tried to remove it but the game actually won't let you

  • @TJ-Henry-Yoshi
    @TJ-Henry-Yoshi Год назад +5596

    Everyone's talking about RT's bull-shitting ability, but no one is talking about the fact that RT genuinely just made a really nice looking house.

    • @Undergamer12
      @Undergamer12 Год назад +656

      He pulled the charisma and luck rolls cause the way he improvised on the fly and it worked was so funny

    • @TJ-Henry-Yoshi
      @TJ-Henry-Yoshi Год назад +398

      @@Undergamer12 His Charisma cannot be understated, but his house genuinely just looked really pleasant

    • @seisosimp
      @seisosimp Год назад +301

      He actually rolled a Nat 20 in deception because most of his bullshit was actually true 😂

    • @techno1561
      @techno1561 Год назад +186

      ​@@seisosimpHe did the uni student last-minute research

    • @kaenagreen1716
      @kaenagreen1716 Год назад +222

      He was also reading a barbie wikipedia page during the other people’s house tours lol

  • @rosealena4
    @rosealena4 Год назад +2313

    when RT mentioned the stickers for the bathroom thats TRUE. they ACTUALLY used stickers for the details in the background (mainly in the kitchen or bathroom though) .
    and barbie wasnt the only company that did that

    • @MajkaSrajka
      @MajkaSrajka Год назад +172

      Except I don't think that was to save on plastic, but rather to avcoid smal / loose objects (and leave space in the room for play).

    • @54321jcc
      @54321jcc Год назад +72

      @@MajkaSrajka Right, even from perspective I think that for ease of play or about the complexity of the items makes more sense, but really RT did such a good job on the presentation as a whole.

    • @helper_bot
      @helper_bot Год назад +19

      usually its furniture in paper cutouts, for like tiny handheld mirrors or something but yeah. he's right and made the dots connect precisely, even if his initial thought was to save time haha

    • @claralima1967
      @claralima1967 Год назад +18

      YES!! I was thinking about it, how so many toy houses used stickers for details, it made me crazy because I wanted to rip them off but then it'd look so damn ugly 😅😂

    • @rukhtalos8587
      @rukhtalos8587 Год назад +1

      I knew that bit at least was accurate because Lego did the same thing.

  • @InkyDustMan
    @InkyDustMan Год назад +1541

    I think this may be the greatest achievement I've ever seen RT achieve.
    The man in one swift motion gas lit his friends, all of their chats, and converted all of Jerma's chat into becoming accomplices to the greatest heist of the century by stealing this victory.
    His sheer will to commit to the bit won him the entire tournament, and it's fucking fantastic.
    His ability to think outside the box literally turned him from a panicking anxious mess to a god with all of his speech skills maxed out.

    • @uezyteue7690
      @uezyteue7690 Год назад +58

      The power of an English major.

    • @myfatassdick
      @myfatassdick Год назад

      How do I give a standing ovation to a RUclips comment

  • @IMinusWell
    @IMinusWell Год назад +492

    Me, even after reading title: "There's no way this wins."
    *[See's the other houses]*
    "Oh my god, he's going to win."

    • @Jacobliterator
      @Jacobliterator 9 месяцев назад +23

      I honestly thought Etalyx had it for a while. The actual flipped house is a genius idea.

  • @commanderriptide7723
    @commanderriptide7723 Год назад +3900

    What's hilarious about this is that RT was right about EVERYTHING. I was a Barbie enthusiast when I was younger.

    • @valsonder
      @valsonder Год назад +7

      when you bullshit so hard that you loop round to being correct again

    • @music_shev_
      @music_shev_ Год назад +187

      No way

    • @commanderriptide7723
      @commanderriptide7723 Год назад +677

      @wotter9032 yes way. I'm actually kinda terrified of RT's knowledge

    • @magic8girl
      @magic8girl Год назад +719

      He showed us himself he did his research

    • @bencurran3204
      @bencurran3204 Год назад +1190

      ​@@magic8girlnot only that, by sheer fucking luck he managed to bullshit his way to make the mistakes coincide with actual apparent facts

  • @emirininomiya1262
    @emirininomiya1262 Год назад +6022

    RT is the real Barbie girl and we're only living in his Barbie world

    • @RTGame
      @RTGame  Год назад +2991

      Life in plastic, is truly fantastic

    • @delededendboyyt
      @delededendboyyt Год назад +414

      But can you brush his hair?

    • @Punched_Kuze
      @Punched_Kuze Год назад +197

      Curse you Barbie and your weirdly catchy song that last for like a few days in my head playing nonstop!

    • @Sakuta7
      @Sakuta7 Год назад +41

      ​@@RTGame (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+

    • @zhuzhick
      @zhuzhick Год назад +76

      I am so glad no one continued the lyrics

  • @bandankirb8982
    @bandankirb8982 Год назад +2117

    I watched Doug's stream and was under the impression that most of the house was made calmly and thought out. Honestly, it's hilarious to know it was made in panic during the last few minutes, and most of the information was made up during everyone else's presentations.

    • @junegeeitisahardgfulmer7911
      @junegeeitisahardgfulmer7911 Год назад +273

      Exactly. I was super impressed watching from Doug’s end, and now my whole worldview has changed (still super impressed, but for different reasons).

    • @jessefanshaw8948
      @jessefanshaw8948 Год назад +29

      I need to watch all the other perspectives now

    • @lipucd
      @lipucd Год назад +86

      @@jessefanshaw8948 I saw joel's live and watching him panic grow higher and higher just for 2 poorly planned out jokes had me losing it.

    • @criptastical
      @criptastical Год назад +56

      The best part is that RT's facts were actually correct, completely by accident. Stuff like the garage being sold separate, the stickers being used for some appliances, etc, is all true.

    • @user-yh5cv1vu9m
      @user-yh5cv1vu9m Год назад +48

      ​@criptastical5247 I don't think it was on accident. He did look up the Wikipedia article and I think he might have also known some stuff. But he is just really good at bullshitting (even if it is true). Like, you can guess/ remember that the garage is sold separately and you can remember the decall stickers. But to come up with that (even when using the internet) is really hard for most people.

  • @ej191
    @ej191 Год назад +777

    First seeing this from the Jerma pov, getting the impression that everything was planned as a perfect Barbie dream house from the beginning, and then seeing this, is just perfect

    • @3ndm3
      @3ndm3 Год назад +11

      How did jerma react after learning the truth

  • @EnycmaPie
    @EnycmaPie Год назад +927

    26:30 Dan spent more time talking about how he used stickers instead of making an actual toilet, than he did building that toilet.

    • @zeldalink1555
      @zeldalink1555 Год назад +109

      It worked out cause he was right about the furniture stickers in old playsets

    • @ravencollins5638
      @ravencollins5638 2 месяца назад +5

      It's extra funny when you know the game because it can genuinely take longer to find the toilet than to set it up, it's let's than ten seconds to set up

  • @julia3354
    @julia3354 Год назад +4776

    It's so funny, I watched live from Ludwig's perspective and RT seemed to completely have everything planned, days in advance, meticulously placing every single item in the house, it looked so good. This was mind-blowing, basically starting from scratch at 30 minutes left.

    • @chromab7713
      @chromab7713 Год назад +538

      This is why we love Dad. He is just the master of falling upwards.

    • @cainprescott4937
      @cainprescott4937 Год назад +335

      Remember, kids, lying isn't illegal if no one knows you're doing it.

    • @braindavidgilbert3147
      @braindavidgilbert3147 Год назад +26

      Wasn't Ludwig reacting to vids during this?

    • @KCrimzson21
      @KCrimzson21 Год назад +54

      @@braindavidgilbert3147 He was, but not in the moment of Rt's house

    • @TwilightWolf2508
      @TwilightWolf2508 Год назад +46

      "It ain't stupid if it works"
      - RT "Daniel" Game

  • @caddy4273
    @caddy4273 Год назад +2930

    Jerma: Ludwig, this is a history lesson! You really have a vast knowledge of Barbie!
    RT: 😎 I have no fucking idea of what i'm talking about 😎

    • @illamerica
      @illamerica Год назад +206

      The scary thing is that he was right on what he was talking about too

    • @leandru7
      @leandru7 Год назад +156

      @@illamericawell he did look it up on Wikipedia while everyone else was presenting

    • @BuildBuy12
      @BuildBuy12 Год назад +66

      Imagine how this would've gone if RT had been the first in line

    • @biptari
      @biptari Год назад +48

      @@illamerica even funnier because Ludwig's history lesson was mostly wrong

  • @flameskull_
    @flameskull_ Год назад +6188

    It’s a miracle that RT actually won this, all hail barbie, our president

    • @s4v4gedragone43
      @s4v4gedragone43 Год назад +7


    • @PowerSpirit50
      @PowerSpirit50 Год назад +77

      Has she been a president yet? She has worked in every field.

    • @gamsssreal
      @gamsssreal Год назад +1

      ​@@PowerSpirit50no president yet

    • @irliiMicrophone
      @irliiMicrophone Год назад +23

      ​@@PowerSpirit50At this point I'm pretty sure she's above president

    • @dauclairdelune
      @dauclairdelune Год назад +16

      ​@@PowerSpirit50there's a couple US president Barbie

  • @thatskykidfreya
    @thatskykidfreya Год назад +820

    My mum walked in whilst RT was talking about his house and she said “are you watching property brothers?”. That’s how well RT sells his house 😂

  • @enbiebrit3638
    @enbiebrit3638 Год назад +1732

    I'm so glad that RT finally gets to be in an Esports tournament that doesn't involve biased judges or cheating teams. He fully deserved the win on this one.

    • @HazeEmry
      @HazeEmry Год назад +158

      cough cough redbulls city skylines cough cough

    • @ktosktos1312
      @ktosktos1312 Год назад +8

      Cheating teams huh?
      This looks like sarcasm on your end but idk

    • @enbiebrit3638
      @enbiebrit3638 Год назад +297

      @ktosktos1312 that was a reference to the casual Mario Kart tournament that Nintendo organised, where the Spanish team fielded Pro Mario Kart players against regulations.

    • @HazeEmry
      @HazeEmry Год назад +157

      @@ktosktos1312 and the biased judge is from the red bull one

    • @g.wilson536
      @g.wilson536 Год назад +36

      Cheating teams may be referring to the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe one

  • @natedrake7163
    @natedrake7163 Год назад +4666

    This was funny that you upstood the Barbie Oppenheimer just by sticking to the Barbie house

    • @haruhirogrimgar6047
      @haruhirogrimgar6047 Год назад +308

      Thing is, I feel like if someone did go 50-50 it would have sh't on RT's. Have half the house (mostly one of the top corners) shattered and broken apart. Have all the barbie-esk furniture thrown to the ground aside from a barbie-pink bunker that is only beat up on the outside. The paint having splashes of grey on it from the dust that settled after the bomb.

    • @MidnightVoyager
      @MidnightVoyager Год назад +182

      @@haruhirogrimgar6047 Unfortunately Criken had no idea how anything worked and only figured out how to even use tools at the end. He also had never played before and had no idea what was available. That whole result was just floundering

    • @KWBR1123
      @KWBR1123 Год назад +8

      @@haruhirogrimgar6047To be fair that requires that one of them knows what they were doing

    • @tree427
      @tree427 Год назад +9

      @@haruhirogrimgar6047 That would've lost points on cleanliness

  • @DarkKnightofIT
    @DarkKnightofIT Год назад +360

    "oh you're a villain alright, just not a _super_ one!"
    "Oh yeah? What's the difference?"

  • @FrozenCampbellSoup
    @FrozenCampbellSoup Год назад +6537

    RT: * Makes a lot of mistakes, forgets about a lot of things, didn't have time to finish the house *
    Jerma: "So is (obvious mistake) deliberate?"
    RT: ...
    RT: "Here's a little lesson in trickery..."

    • @DoctorTardis100
      @DoctorTardis100 Год назад +285

      This got a laugh out of me.

    • @captaincaspian42
      @captaincaspian42 Год назад +370

      This is going down in history

    • @aidansroadams5328
      @aidansroadams5328 Год назад +340

      If you want to be house-flipper number one, you have deceive Jerma about your plan!

    • @Jesus_Offical
      @Jesus_Offical Год назад +84

      ​@@captaincaspian42if you want to be a barby fan number one

    • @donkface8509
      @donkface8509 Год назад +91

      I personally would have made Etalyx won just from him doing the literal perspective flip, but I understood that RT had more content than him

  • @Roserae16
    @Roserae16 Год назад +767

    That moment when Criken also tried to evoke Barbie's name I was legitimately scared, but I never should have doubted RT's nat 20 deception rolls and maxed charisma skill 😂

  • @shestheworst
    @shestheworst Год назад +493

    i watched etalyx's stream and thought he got robbed. now i understand and am in absolute awe at the masterful bullshittery RT produced.

  • @cursedwither7888
    @cursedwither7888 Год назад +985

    the manifestation of a "i rolled a nat 20 on my Deception check"

    • @Jesus_Offical
      @Jesus_Offical Год назад +4


    • @oranplan1630
      @oranplan1630 Год назад +4

      @@Jesus_Offical holy shit, Jesus??

    • @Aeiouaaaaaaaaa
      @Aeiouaaaaaaaaa Год назад +2

      Honestly, considering that everything he said was technically true, it could be Persuasion.

  • @thyleaves
    @thyleaves Год назад +2301

    As a Barbie fan, the fact that he's mostly right is impressive.

    • @Jesus_Offical
      @Jesus_Offical Год назад +73

      Wait he wasnt all bullshiting

    • @galaxywizard8904
      @galaxywizard8904 Год назад +611

      ​@@Jesus_OfficalOh he was absolutely making stuff up for his presentation, but a lot of the stuff he said was actually pretty close to how real barbie playsets worked lol. For instance the stickers and different playsets sold separately was spot on

    • @Spamus
      @Spamus Год назад +12

      ​@@galaxywizard8904wait like actually no bs?

    • @kabirarya5381
      @kabirarya5381 Год назад +220

      @@galaxywizard8904 I mean in the video he was reading about Barbie from wikipedia, so he might have just remembered rather than bullshitting

    • @galaxywizard8904
      @galaxywizard8904 Год назад +285

      @@kabirarya5381 Well he pulled up the wiki page after he finished building the house, so the fact that he could even coherently link up real barbie facts with all his building mistakes on the spot was really impressive

  • @absolutetr4sh551
    @absolutetr4sh551 Год назад +1648

    I love how Ludwig talked about learning from history and then just straight up lied about how Holmes killed his victims lmao

    • @absolutetr4sh551
      @absolutetr4sh551 Год назад +397

      @owo26666 that section was the funniest for me because I literally read a biography about the dude recently and there's multiple things wrong but in a funny way. For example, Holmes didn't actually kill the owner to get hold of the drugstore, he had worked for the owner who was a widow who eventually sold it to him. Granted, she wasn't seen again after, so either he killed her or she moved away without documentation

    • @andrewdiaz3529
      @andrewdiaz3529 Год назад +220

      ​@@absolutetr4sh551apparently, his original house idea wasn't going well so he turned it into the murder house but had Chatgpt write the "facts" for him, which turned out to be wrong

    • @allyrose6437
      @allyrose6437 Год назад +37

      ​@@andrewdiaz3529that's hilarious

    • @loveloveaii
      @loveloveaii Год назад +44

      @@andrewdiaz3529why am i not surprised that it was chatgpt

    • @acblook
      @acblook Год назад +47

      @@andrewdiaz3529 i'm always confused why anyone uses chatgpt in situations like this where it'd be the exact same amount of work to put the prompt into google instead and copy it from something that isn't just a souped up autocorrect

  • @frapple_apple
    @frapple_apple Год назад +378

    RT is like the kid who made his school project at the last minute but BS'd his presentation so well that he gets an A. "You see Ms. Jenkins, the reason the decorations look so randomly placed is because I was inspired by the chaos seen in Jackson Pollock's famous paintings."

    • @thehumanity0
      @thehumanity0 Год назад +22

      Jackson Pollock will always be the best friend of every art student who had to hurriedly cram for a presentation

    • @maxweII_demon
      @maxweII_demon 8 месяцев назад +1

      i once had to do a 4 paragraph essay on a book and i never wrote the essay. i went up to the wooden stand with a blank piece of paper and made stuff up on the spot. at some point i couldn't think of anything to say so i pretended that i was having troubling reading my handwriting while i thought of what to say next.

  • @Aquitanic
    @Aquitanic Год назад +299

    As soon as Dan started repeating to himself "I can make a Barbie house." I knew this was gonna be good

  • @Sirgen020
    @Sirgen020 Год назад +1614

    RT is one mental breakdown to becoming the fictional entity that is Jerma

    • @eclipserepeater2466
      @eclipserepeater2466 Год назад +70

      This is the moment he truly became Jerma.

    • @Mark-dy4yb
      @Mark-dy4yb Год назад +29

      Jerma needs successors to fuel his immortality

    • @dkskcjfjswwwwwws413
      @dkskcjfjswwwwwws413 Год назад +4

      ​@@Mark-dy4ybbro thinks hes alexander of brennenburg

    • @petrwarthursty2011
      @petrwarthursty2011 Год назад +5

      @@dkskcjfjswwwwwws413t all makes sense now. Jeremy has been chugging vitae all this time. The monster

    • @nhooj8882
      @nhooj8882 Год назад +1

      Was this stream pre or post the splatoon 3 collab? Because that mental break would've been enough to awaken his inner Jerma

  • @gegeji6442
    @gegeji6442 Год назад +878

    It was super funny seeing other streamers saying that RT was a pro, took it seriously, or knew how to play the game when in reality it was super scuffed build that barely finished and was saved by him bullshitting his way through with his english major.

  • @orangesilver8
    @orangesilver8 Год назад +2672

    I was there for this live and oh my god it was incredible.
    Everybody in Jerma's chat was covering for RT too. When Jerma asked if something was true, the entire chat was full of "true" "it's true" "100% true"
    and when it came to the vote it was THE MOST one sided vote. It was like 90% for A, 8% for B, the other 2% mixed around the others.
    I think this edit could have used some more of the failure to make a Simpsons house. It missed the part where he gave up and tried to use fucking jpegs of the rooms.
    I am really glad the edit included RT looking at the other houses. That was a key element of the stream for me.

    • @KWBR1123
      @KWBR1123 Год назад +245

      Thank you Jerma chat

    • @bl4cksp1d3r
      @bl4cksp1d3r Год назад +81

      It has the part where uses photos of the living room.

    • @tkskelly
      @tkskelly Год назад +81

      I love how this comment reads like a book review 😂

    • @blazen123
      @blazen123 Год назад +216

      most of the facts he bs'd about barbie actually were thoroughly correct which is funny

    • @diablo.the.cheater
      @diablo.the.cheater Год назад +189

      The thing is that the bullshit was not bullshit but actually true by pure luck. He managed to spit very correct bullshit

  • @MidnightVoyager
    @MidnightVoyager Год назад +1038

    I was watching this from Criken's side, and yours coming last was like ending a gunfight with a nuke. Hearing you say you were making the Simpsons house was like taking a brick to the head. I knew the garage was BS, but your house is genuinely so good despite all the panic.

  • @Coctor23
    @Coctor23 Год назад +279

    The stars aligned PERFECTLY for him to win in this stream wtf

  • @StickMaster500
    @StickMaster500 Год назад +2558

    Did you know that RT was called the Barbie King back in college? He was so famous back then that even Oppenheimer couldn't handle her world of plastic.

    • @MrCheese270
      @MrCheese270 Год назад +35

      So that’s why he made the atomic bomb

    • @mattgroening8872
      @mattgroening8872 Год назад +2

      I see you everywhere

    • @techno1561
      @techno1561 Год назад +3

      ​@@MrCheese270Quite the opposite. She's the one who made the atomic bomb, by having so much plastic in a location it reaches critical mass and detonates.

  • @apocalypsekiddo
    @apocalypsekiddo Год назад +886

    RT: I don't have a single Jerma reference in my house
    Also RT: built a dollhouse

    • @amazingkool
      @amazingkool Год назад +12

      This is the best comment. Congrats.

  • @logan_page
    @logan_page Год назад +1303

    I watched DogDog and Vinny Pizza Pastaman live during this and it's hilarious that they both gave it their all, with a clear visions from the start, and still got absolutely curb-stomped by RT changing plans with 30 minutes left.

    • @bobbobert9379
      @bobbobert9379 Год назад +210

      The advantage that having played the game before gives you lmao

    • @andrewbogard2411
      @andrewbogard2411 Год назад

      ​@@bobbobert9379he is also a very good bullsh*ter to lol

    • @globurim
      @globurim Год назад +29

      They got defeated by RTs charisma

  • @cthulhuman6162
    @cthulhuman6162 Год назад +291

    Imagine at the other streamers and their viewers watching live & when it’s RT’s turn to give the house tour and the backstory they just think “wow this guy really loves old Barbie playsets”

  • @SilverFoxSpirit97
    @SilverFoxSpirit97 Год назад +569

    I cannot BELIEVE the sheer levels of bullshit RT spewed in his presentation, and the worst part is his house was actually a pretty good Barbie Dream House, he even got away with not touching the garage the madlad.
    As a fellow English studier, I have never seen a better use of an English Degree

  • @avlanaz
    @avlanaz Год назад +598

    First he lied about his granddad's "card addiction" and now grandma's "barbie house"??? Next you're gonna tell me that his "drift king" title is also a lie!

  • @scoutamillion
    @scoutamillion Год назад +663

    RT being able to lie through any inconsistencies with the house is so funny and a bit terrifying. He could sell me a house with no plumbing, no electricity, structure falling apart with asbestos and say thats all apart of the unique atmosphere and id be sold.

    • @cainprescott4937
      @cainprescott4937 Год назад +20

      If the RUclips thing ends up falling apart, he'd make a killing selling used cars. Or bridges.

  • @reference_ravezach7791
    @reference_ravezach7791 Год назад +1494

    I can’t believe RTGame became Phoenix Wright and convinced Von Jerma to let him win the competition

    • @4pl3x34
      @4pl3x34 Год назад +55

      VON JERMA 💀💀

    • @mbufton
      @mbufton Год назад +41

      @@4pl3x34instead of chemicals his factory makes GYAS

  • @malaizze
    @malaizze Год назад +186

    Watching as each player loses points and RT begins to learn how to lie on every specific thing Jerma calls out is priceless. “These are Swiss cheese plants”, “this is strawberry ice cream”

  • @talousse
    @talousse Год назад +456

    18:08 The house filled with garage doors killed me I'm going to have to watch his stream after this

    • @qynoi42
      @qynoi42 Год назад +40

      My stomach hurt from laughing at Poke's doors.

    • @dsnever3041
      @dsnever3041 Год назад +34

      Nah it’s the radios playing the same 3 seconds of a song at all time that literally had my sides from laughing

    • @xoltacueponi
      @xoltacueponi Год назад +5

      same, that moment was so surreal, I swear I've had dreams being in houses like that

    • @Helicoptamus
      @Helicoptamus 3 месяца назад

      Dan built a dreamhouse, Poke built a _dream_ house

  • @freechilli8755
    @freechilli8755 Год назад +723

    RT using all that Ace Attorney experience to win this with pure bullsh*ttery.

    • @inumizuno
      @inumizuno Год назад +28

      Bluffing to the max

    • @sonarchy5158
      @sonarchy5158 Год назад +51

      On a different save file, RT answered every question Jerma asked by showing him his attorney badge

    • @inumizuno
      @inumizuno Год назад +18

      @@sonarchy5158 This proves... that I'M A LAWYER

  • @trionvera3231
    @trionvera3231 Год назад +3372

    I need a compilation of rt showing jerma the house and it just keeps cutting to him improvising and panicking

    • @Brooke_Corbyn
      @Brooke_Corbyn Год назад +167

      Yes please lmao

    • @tbestig4164
      @tbestig4164 Год назад +81

      Oh that would be perfect lmao

    • @LifesNeverHumDrum
      @LifesNeverHumDrum Год назад +206

      “‘Company’s Coming’ but it’s RTgame scrambling his way to victory”

    • @dimitri4457
      @dimitri4457 Год назад +18

      Oh my god please, this needs to be made!

    • @kboombite
      @kboombite Год назад +12

      Someone @ me when its made

  • @FSFSFS101
    @FSFSFS101 Год назад +587

    This is literally the plot of an early 2000s sitcom episode, where the main character accidentally buys a whole house and needs to sell it off to some unsuspecting person in order to make their money back

    • @iamfourmana
      @iamfourmana Год назад +35

      I can imagine the buyer walking around the house's yard while Jerry Seinfeld is giving this whole ornate speech about it, covering up glaring flaws with his body all the while

    • @kathaai
      @kathaai Год назад +1

      how do u accidentally buy a house

    • @velvetphi
      @velvetphi Год назад +10

      @@kathaai you be the protagonist of a sitcom, obviously

    • @noizepusher7594
      @noizepusher7594 Год назад +1

      Steamed real estate

  • @sllimjimsinkhole
    @sllimjimsinkhole Год назад +227

    The bathroom being a sticker was genuinely so smart and actually gave me nostalgia

  • @magpie405
    @magpie405 10 месяцев назад +46

    i love that he asked Jerma how to fill the holes in the walls and then interrupted the answer to say "actually, no thank you"

  • @KWBR1123
    @KWBR1123 Год назад +3531

    Never thought that Rt was athletic enough to make an entire house do a flip

    • @lorenzobiraghi2545
      @lorenzobiraghi2545 Год назад +77

      Nor to jump through hoops that well, or grasp at that many straws. He truly was the Sports King, back in college

    • @Wispa03
      @Wispa03 Год назад +15

      I think he convinced it to

    • @skeletonbuyingpealts7134
      @skeletonbuyingpealts7134 Год назад +18

      ​@@Wispa03His English degree allowed him to

    • @wildfire9280
      @wildfire9280 Год назад +6

      @@skeletonbuyingpealts7134 Little do most people know, English degrees unlock new dialogue options.

    • @Illamdalt
      @Illamdalt Год назад +1

      @@lorenzobiraghi2545 They called him Sports King back in college

  • @Chasesky
    @Chasesky Год назад +485

    This wasn't a house design competiton. It was a who could gaslight Jerma the most competition.

    • @SarutinMcWhotookmyname
      @SarutinMcWhotookmyname Год назад +65

      if it was a design comp, i say the guy with the flipped house won.

    • @acblook
      @acblook Год назад +12

      @@SarutinMcWhotookmyname tbf he only lost by one tenth of a percent, it's virtually a tie

  • @anabelle251
    @anabelle251 Год назад +645

    one of the only streams I've been able to catch and the way my jaw DROPPED when jerma said "if you did a barbie house---" . i actually cheered when RT won lmao

  • @C.V317
    @C.V317 Год назад +147

    Somehow, RT repeating “I can build a Barbie house,” while smashing walls is very on brand

  • @kiaz1st
    @kiaz1st Год назад +86

    I think the funniest part of this video is seeing the thumbnail be a barbie house, and watching as RT creates something that is Definitely Not A Barbie House for half of build time. The longer I waited, the more I realised he was going to have to pull some insane shit out of his ass for this to work

  • @Jimbo55151
    @Jimbo55151 Год назад +1105

    Hearing that RT somehow Bs’ed into correct facts about Barbie just proves that he is the master of Failing the mission successfully

    • @followeroftheprince
      @followeroftheprince Год назад +115

      He did show off the wikipedia page for a moment. Seems he actually decided to study up before his turn arrived just to make the bullshit better

    • @elisabethtison8391
      @elisabethtison8391 Год назад +14

      The things rt said were true. Especially about the stickers

  • @FireFarmer123
    @FireFarmer123 Год назад +469

    When I saw this competition live from another streamer's perspective, I thought it was rather unusual that RT had a theme in mind that worked out right from the start. Now I'm relieved to see he was in panic and confusion the entire time.

  • @FalselyProfound
    @FalselyProfound Год назад +139

    Going from Jerma's highlights video to RT's highlights video knocked the absolute wind out of me, and not just because of the Simpsons theme reveal. Hearing 2:12 out of context made me go "oh no the baby in a blender man is doing Cask of Amontillado isn't he" and the truth is somehow WAY funnier

  • @Astrid-Palumbo
    @Astrid-Palumbo Год назад +78

    Dude rolled a 20 in charisma holy shit i thought this was meticulously planned on jerma's pov

  • @BananaWrathful
    @BananaWrathful Год назад +1181

    It’s so funny seeing Jerma for the first time outside of memes where he’s depicted as a horrifying ai creature, but in here he seems like the most sane person in the stream.
    Edit: I did not see the last part showcasing Jerma’s Krusty Krabs house. I have changed my opinion.

    • @metetural9140
      @metetural9140 Год назад +131

      Thats because this is from Dan's perspective
      You should've seen what Jerma was doing!

    • @BananaWrathful
      @BananaWrathful Год назад +35

      @@metetural9140yeah I spoke too soon…

    • @ZillaYT.
      @ZillaYT. Год назад +33

      Still sad to hear people only see the memes and stop there but it’s fine. I really reccomend jerma though

    • @Lotselance
      @Lotselance Год назад +21

      Was it the shrine room dedicated to his vampire self that pushed you over or the toilet hatch stairs?

    • @MoonGuardian866
      @MoonGuardian866 Год назад +5

      yeah, jerma is funny weird but you know how internet blows it out of proportions.
      but hes also a super creative person, look up jerma doll house where he is a chat controlled Sim in a studio house. it has ui and all its awesome, he even acts the needs stats.

  • @abaddonarts1129
    @abaddonarts1129 Год назад +275

    This felt exactly like having a sleepless night before submitting a final exam, and then somehow acing the exact presentation of the project hours later due to going last and knowing what was/wasn't a good thing to talk about. Also literally calling up Jerma and asking how to place a wall, then coming back an hour later with a finished barbie home is such a gamer move

  • @beans9288
    @beans9288 Год назад +1385

    this is my first impression of jerma and he seems like a sane and kind individual

    • @1AlasBabylon
      @1AlasBabylon Год назад +253

      The man is a clown.
      I mean that in the absolute most kind, sincere way. If there was ever a human being on earth that one could call A Clown, it's Jerma. There is no one else like him, and it's kind of magical.

    • @Eeugh
      @Eeugh Год назад +105

      You're so crazy Jerma is just a normal guy to you.

    • @derphunk5338
      @derphunk5338 Год назад +61

      Clearly you haven’t been unfortunate enough to fall victim to one of Jerma’s rants about “the first sauce.”

    • @nakedstatue8517
      @nakedstatue8517 Год назад +12

      I gen don't get the hype around him... He's just a streamer like anyone else...

    • @cathackzz
      @cathackzz Год назад +15

      he is very sane ! don't listen to everyone else 😊

  • @egalomon
    @egalomon Год назад +116

    When Connor started pouring the dog food for the orphans @29:30 I started choking. WTF

  • @ObsidianHunter99
    @ObsidianHunter99 Год назад +81

    I just love the sheer contrast between the opening where RT's frantically scrambling around trying to build something and just throwing stuff down everywhere, and compare that to just how calm amd collected he is in the presentation really takes some high tier acting skills tbh

  • @Romanticoutlaw
    @Romanticoutlaw Год назад +146

    "I can just say whatever the fuck I want and no one's gonna know" truer words never spoken

  • @BananaTheNinja
    @BananaTheNinja Год назад +887

    RT's that kid who prepared the wrong topic for an essay and had to redo his whole assignment 15 minutes before class started and still got an 'A'

  • @torylva
    @torylva Год назад +341

    This entire thing reminds me of the time I got the Swedish equivalent of an A+ back in the days. I disagreed strongly with my art teacher about modern art and said that art that requires no skill always just comes down to being able to wordfart the best.
    She disagreed, so half a year later when we had two months to make our final assignment, I turned it in on the second to last day and it was just a picture of a half-eaten cheese sandwich I had that day, then spent 30 minutes talking about consumerism and degradation of the environment. She loved it.

    • @anyahati
      @anyahati Год назад +81

      Reminds me of the time my English teacher wanted us to write a postmodernist poem, but the catch was that we could only use, like, the 100 or 200 most used words in the English language - I thought this was stupid for obvious reasons, so my poem was just the word "No" (which was one of the most used words, incidentally).
      After I stood up and read it in front of the class, I bs'd an explanation about non-conformity and the subversion of expectations in art, ended up getting a 95% on the assignment lol.

    • @tommydoez
      @tommydoez Год назад +21

      The explaination of modern art is pretty much part of the art itself due to literature being an art. With the advent of the modern printing press and the ever increasing availability to make art (even AI art being considered), high quality art can be produced and reproduced in record time (though reproduction can be of low quality) so it'd make sense that to ensure the continuity of art as an elitist (and money laundering) market that modern art has been relying on what it makes the person feel than what is actually looks like.

  • @ps1hagridoufofcharacter
    @ps1hagridoufofcharacter Год назад +127

    this is actually amazing. i saw Jerma's edit first and was actually convinced Barbie was your plan all along. you have an amazing ability to absolutely bullshit people. you could convince me of anything

  • @MrxstGrssmnstMttckstPhlNelThot
    @MrxstGrssmnstMttckstPhlNelThot Год назад +351

    RT really decided to be the gaslight gatekeep girlboss, huh.