No Go Britain: guide dog users whose dogs are turned away

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 546

  • @brianwaite6139
    @brianwaite6139 Год назад +72

    A manager sending his employee to refuse a guide dog, and thereby break the law, is a shameful coward.

    • @Anthony-w7i5g
      @Anthony-w7i5g 4 месяца назад

      Why are you assuming that the manager is a "he".

  • @FirstLightCrafts
    @FirstLightCrafts Год назад +32

    That is disgusting. People who do this to someone who is visually impaired should be blindfolded and told to walk around the store or area unaided and see how far they get. They would soon realise how difficult it is.

  • @aixaburlison4
    @aixaburlison4 5 лет назад +304

    I would rather have a service dog in a restaurant, a cab, or on a plane than a bunch of bratty kids

    • @daniellemccarthy903
      @daniellemccarthy903 4 года назад +27

      Yes! Brats are screaming and nobody says anything. A manager asked a woman to leave because it was upsetting other customers and it made headlines and there was uproar.
      Yet blind people with service animals are turned away from cabs and businesses 😠

    • @ronnierowe7580
      @ronnierowe7580 4 года назад +14

      You are one hundred percent right

    • @davidmbeckmann
      @davidmbeckmann 4 года назад +3

      I agree with you, but I don’t want a dog either. Especially the little shits that sit in bitches purses.

    • @daniellemccarthy903
      @daniellemccarthy903 4 года назад +5

      @@davidmbeckmann or the spoilt, vicious little things that yap and snarl at everyone.

    • @brassholio
      @brassholio 4 года назад +10

      @@daniellemccarthy903 service dogs are trained to not do that, but I agree about the yappy little rodents.

  • @FacheChanteDeux
    @FacheChanteDeux 4 года назад +119

    People don't realize how much training goes into seeing eye dogs. That is why guide dogs are so quiet and well behaved.

    • @fazbearalice1168
      @fazbearalice1168 4 года назад +3

      They are just gelouss

    • @paulshallbetter1080
      @paulshallbetter1080 2 года назад +3

      But again, dog guide (the generic term; "seeing eye" and "guide" are trademarked names) handlers might be bad, lazy or careless. Even the best trained dog guide can go wrong quickly, particularly if the blind person doesn't regularly work with the dog to reinforce its training.

    • @capcompass9298
      @capcompass9298 Год назад


  • @johnholland6842
    @johnholland6842 5 месяцев назад +6

    Time to Name and shame these taxi companies and other shops and organisations who refuse to help all disabled people. We need a nationwide database naming these cowards, then we can avoid them! 😮

  • @neuroticnation144
    @neuroticnation144 4 месяца назад +7

    Unacceptable behavior! Disabled people’s lives are difficult enough, refusal is cruelty.

  • @ICHall-og5zk
    @ICHall-og5zk 8 месяцев назад +8

    Shop and manager should be taken to court !

  • @sambee8982
    @sambee8982 7 лет назад +67

    Well, that's discrimination as well as illegal if places don't accept people with guide dogs!

  • @elizabethadams2113
    @elizabethadams2113 8 лет назад +346

    It is absolutely inexcusable to deny someone because of a service dog! What kind of ignorant morons would do that? It is illegal and inhuman. Shame on them and great job fighting back:)

    • @huegrekt6840
      @huegrekt6840 8 лет назад +12

      Elizabeth Adams One of the reasons they refuse is because so many people buy a harness and say it's a service dog just so they can take their family pet everywhere. Stores should just ask for your disability badge so they know you are not faking.

    • @MissingSirius
      @MissingSirius 8 лет назад +15

      I'm not sure you're legally allowed to ask for a disability badge.

    • @Justiceforpets
      @Justiceforpets 7 лет назад +5

      I agree with you on this. We had a guy come up to the triage desk (I work in emergency) stating his complaint and symptoms. He had a dog with him, saying it was his service dog. We let them both in and he ended up staying in our short stay unit over night, the dog was even on the bed during the night. We get several service dogs coming with their owners but the reason this one is different is because I could tell this dog was no service dog, but felt no reason to interrogate him. The dog was a mixed breed (which is not unusual) but he was an intact male (which is why I knew he was not a registered service dog) I love dogs and people who rely on them and it felt good to be able to be part of a team who quietly facilitated this rare occasion.

    • @GhostvaperYT
      @GhostvaperYT 7 лет назад +10

      disability badge??? what badge? i do not have a badge? what badge is this? you may be referring to a driving badge for parking? well they do not drive! they do not have a badge! and WHY SHOULD THEY SHOW ANYTHING! - faking.....seriously! wtf

    • @MissingSirius
      @MissingSirius 7 лет назад +10

      GhostVaperYT - People abuse the system by pretending that their untrained animal is a service animal. Since you can't ask for proof, they can get away with it. The animal then behaves badly, making it look like a service animal has behaved badly. People then get worried about letting service animals into their establishment, causing people with real service animals to get denied. People DO fake that they have a service animal.

  • @Browniethehamster139
    @Browniethehamster139 8 лет назад +136

    If it were me (or a friend of mine), I would refuse to leave. Tell them to call the police, the law is on your side!

    • @katedunno1230
      @katedunno1230 8 лет назад +50

      Browniethehamster139 In the U.S. I was refused entry into a Chinese restaurant. The manager said my dog was to small to be of any service to me. I told her that he was a medical service dog and to call the police. the police made her let my friend and me in. after we sat down in the restaurant we got up and left. the lady was very mad. I.would nof eat food there after the cops gave her so much hassle.

    •  6 лет назад +9

      Kate Dunno Bravo! LOL! 👌👍😂

    • @zacmosier1715
      @zacmosier1715 4 года назад +21

      @@katedunno1230 That's what needs to happen. Have the business call the cops. When they're in the wrong, maybe they will learn. Not to mention, like others have commented, take them to court for a pile of money. That way they dont forget.😊

    • @Ash_Rein
      @Ash_Rein 4 года назад +15

      Keep in mind that the police don’t always know the laws they’re supposed to protect. There’s a lot of stories where people do call to have their rights protected and the cops actually try to side with the business and say that they can’t prevent someone from denying service to a person with a service animal. It’s completely against the law and usually results in some kind of lawsuit but it happens a lot

    • @rebeccawilliams139
      @rebeccawilliams139 4 года назад +11

      it's extemely dificult when you're actually in that situation though. your anxiety is already high, you're angry, you're upset and on top of that it actually makes you feel like you're an inconvenience and a problem. it's a horrible thing to go through and i know when i was in that situation i didnt want to get police involved, i gave them the information i had about the laws and i told them id be reporting them and soon realised theres nothing i can do, i contacted the equality human rights commission and they helped me write a letter to them whihc they never responded to and the next step was taking them to court which i cant afford.

  • @mange2
    @mange2 4 года назад +47

    Im a Taxi Driver and working dogs are very very welcome anytime. I would rather have a working dog in my taxi than a person. They are incredible animals that should be worshiped not rejected. They are working dogs for a reason and the person they accompany need assistance. One day that could be you.

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 2 года назад +2

      Some Companies here in America allow people with Service Dogs access to the taxis, but it's the drivers of those Taxis that are the problem.

    • @mikemccolm8311
      @mikemccolm8311 Год назад +4

      What a sound, switched on and compassionate guy... Top "Cabbie" wish there were more like you!

    • @capcompass9298
      @capcompass9298 Год назад +3

      Goodonya, but there are taxi drivers who believe ALL dogs are unclean and drive away leaving blind no way of identifying them. ILLEGAL!!!

    • @Anthony-w7i5g
      @Anthony-w7i5g 4 месяца назад +1

      My brother has a guide dog and tells me that is 99% a certain demographic that refuse his dog.

  • @denirolondon8911
    @denirolondon8911 8 лет назад +107

    seems like there are a lot of apologys after being turned down. that's just not right especially from big chains like superdrugs. harsher punishments and more prosecution should help

    • @noniousxltruffles7454
      @noniousxltruffles7454 3 месяца назад +1

      Instant fine - to be paid to the Guide Dogs charity - equal to the takings of the day it happened.

  • @margies5625
    @margies5625 8 лет назад +101

    Yes, it's illegal and I, too, have had toruble. I'm sighted but going deaf. Wonderful to have had ears that work.
    I've had the police called on me -- the officer walked in, smiled at me, "Oh, hello!" and told the man who phoned he was breaking the law, not I.
    Another time A woman followed me around in a store until I said, calmly, "Call the police. Please phone them. I'll wait right here." She did not phone.
    And my husband said that I went out ever so much more.

    • @DCJNewsMedia
      @DCJNewsMedia 2 года назад +3

      Ty God-bless you and your family 👪
      ADA advocate...

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 2 года назад

      @Margie S I'm assuming since she was caught following you and your explanation, that she realized her mistake?

    • @capcompass9298
      @capcompass9298 Год назад +3

      My mother needs a hearing dog.
      It is so small and quiet hat most people in eateries don't even realise there is a dog there until a fire alarm goes off.

    • @CuriosityKitty-j5j
      @CuriosityKitty-j5j 4 месяца назад +1

      It's disgraceful, if you need any dog to help with your disability then you should be allowed to go anywhere, I can't believe this is still happening in 2024 for crying out loud!

  • @colleenthecatlady2344
    @colleenthecatlady2344 7 лет назад +72

    It's really stupid on business owner's part because this is bad for business!!!!

    • @julieenslow5915
      @julieenslow5915 3 года назад

      Here's the problem. People with a guide or support dog are generally doing ok and don't cause trouble.
      But nosy people who are germophobic look at all that fur and freak out and THEY complain to the business owner. You are disrupting their enjoyment of the mall or the restaurant or whatever because you have a "flea bag with germs" here contaminating everything. So the business owner hopes you are easy and ill informed and they try to run you out. In so doing, they break the law. Bottom line - call the police right then and there. And then press charges. It may take a while but the business community will get the message.

    • @julieenslow5915
      @julieenslow5915 3 года назад

      Business owners also need to know that the people who try that routine on them - will do it again on other matters. Once they know the business will cave to pressure they will continue to find a way to apply pressure. They may have money but those are not the kind of customers you want.

  • @CarolanneTitmus-Greene
    @CarolanneTitmus-Greene 8 месяцев назад +10

    We should name and shame any place or service that refuses access to Guide Dogs.

    • @CuriosityKitty-j5j
      @CuriosityKitty-j5j 4 месяца назад +2

      Exactly and if possible all those trolls online too

    • @amywonderland9297
      @amywonderland9297 3 месяца назад +2

      Just an FYI it’s not just guide dogs it’s service dogs as they cover other disabilities than blindness

  • @susannamac7287
    @susannamac7287 8 лет назад +89

    It never ceases to amaze me at how disgusting people can be, I never knew shops and work places, no less, where doing this to people, it is hard enough living with being different, but to deny access and belittle people this way is, as I said, disgusting. Let's start prosecutions!!!! Sorry is not enough, actions speak louder than words, stop being d heads

    • @frankzappaspussy7362
      @frankzappaspussy7362 4 года назад +1

      how about if naked people want to go shopping ??

    • @garyk1334
      @garyk1334 3 года назад +2

      Yeah you've only got to spend some time on social media to realise the world has been infested by morons with no soul

    • @RobertJarecki
      @RobertJarecki 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@frankzappaspussy7362 If public nudity is specifically permitted or is not specifically prohibited in a jurisdiction, then, certainly people who wish to be naked while shopping is fine.
      We are not discussing a violation of law by the service animal owners. We are discussing a violation of the law by the shopkeepers.
      BTW, you may want to consider, before breaking out of your comfortable environment and traveling in the world, that, in various jurisdictions, the following activities are permitted by law:
      - public nudity;
      - public urination and defecation;
      - public sexual intercourse.
      *_You would be well advised to take your smelling salts with you to recover from repeated fainting_*

  • @GhostvaperYT
    @GhostvaperYT 7 лет назад +66

    if i were with my mum (who has a guide dog) i would have filmed the incident(s) and given them to local media and told them that I will have you prosecuted. quite simple really they are breaking the law.

    • @tobeytransport2802
      @tobeytransport2802 4 года назад +4

      GhostVaperYT they should definitely educate poeple though because probably 80% of poeple don’t udetrstabd that guide dogs are allowed

    • @GhostvaperYT
      @GhostvaperYT 4 года назад +7

      @@tobeytransport2802 I know, right now we have an issue with a Muslim lad who visits his grans grave with his guide dog. The Muslim community are angry about it and not very nice to him about it as they say their religion does not allow dogs and it is disrespectful! Well I don't care what they say I told him to continue visiting his grans grave and I will go with him and smack anyone who abuses him and his guide dog. You can read about it here -

  • @lemagreengreen
    @lemagreengreen 5 лет назад +31

    This stuff honestly blows my mind.
    I remember being told about guide dogs as a kid when I first saw somebody with one in a shop. I seem to remember getting a visit at school about them as well and a friends family were puppy walkers. I genuinely thought everyone knows that guide dogs are allowed everywhere, no questions.
    Something has clearly gone wrong.

    • @CuriosityKitty-j5j
      @CuriosityKitty-j5j 4 месяца назад

      Yeah ,I remember that too when I was young and I'm 60 now , yet they still haven't changed

  • @CuriosityKitty-j5j
    @CuriosityKitty-j5j 4 месяца назад +3

    This is absolutely disgraceful !!! How dare anyone abuse this guy's rights to go shopping either by Tesco staff or all those cruel people online! Do any of them have the slightest idea what it's like for this guy and other blind people? I doubt it. They should all be named and shamed !

  • @Dan-wo4bx
    @Dan-wo4bx 2 года назад +6

    100% law needs to be enforced with big enough fines to hurt these companies. An apology is bs

  • @TheNakedWombat
    @TheNakedWombat 5 месяцев назад +4

    The same happens in Australia which is also a criminal act but nobody seems to enforce these laws. Personally, I believe business who deny service dogs should automatically lose their licence along with massive fines. And a lifetime of bankruptcy on the third offence.

  • @grannysweet
    @grannysweet 5 лет назад +13

    Ive been told by my manager you have to leave, no problem, I'll just call the police and let them sort it out.

  • @crotchet1586
    @crotchet1586 8 лет назад +49

    Dogs are ace, most people not so...

  • @thecurioustempest6178
    @thecurioustempest6178 Год назад +7

    I have a PTSD service dog in Canada. I’m told a lot that she isn’t s a real service dog, stating they provide emotional comfort and should be considered an ESA. However, she was trained for two years from a certified service dog school that also trains mobility, autism, medical alert, and PTSD dogs before she was purchased for $30,000 Cdn for my disability assistance. The amount of skills and tasks she performs are beyond the required basic three tasks, and not one of her official tasks are emotional support. They give emotional support because those with disabilities aren’t alone anyone and it’s a natural bond that happens but service dogs are working dogs that are highly skilled and task trained to make our world more accessible.
    It seems that no matter how much education is out there, accessibility is still a challenge whether it’s SD access, wheelchair accessible entrances and interiors in businesses, and unfortunately it seems more and more we have to prove our disabilities to be allowed equal access, which doesn’t allow us a lot of privacy. Thank you for your videos that are wonderful advocacy tools.

  • @potatointheraw8268
    @potatointheraw8268 7 лет назад +53

    I'm a pre law student who is blind in the us
    If I see that crap happen you can imagine the fun I'll get to have lol

    • @tommyatkins2527
      @tommyatkins2527 7 лет назад +10

      Potato in the raw sue the fuck out of them buddy

    • @marcar9marcar972
      @marcar9marcar972 6 лет назад +10

      Potato in the raw good on you

    • @aspiknf
      @aspiknf 5 лет назад +1

      A pre law student using bad words...tut tut

  • @ripmemes8962
    @ripmemes8962 8 лет назад +42

    That is super sad. Shame on these buisness owners/ employees.

  • @Ryarios
    @Ryarios 6 лет назад +21

    People cannot convince me they do not know about the law. There needs to be a stiff fine applied quickly and often.

    • @paulshallbetter1080
      @paulshallbetter1080 2 года назад

      In the U.S. there is s stiff fine for not permitting dog guides for the blind (unsure about for other disabilities). I believe the fine is $500.00 per infraction, but unlike other fines, these fines are paid directly to the blind person via the government. Now comes the next problem...allowing your dog to become filthy, smelly and unkempt, then going into a restaurant or medical clinic, just baiting someone to refuse the dog, in order to get the money from the fines.

    • @kestrimurgel5155
      @kestrimurgel5155 2 года назад +2

      Sadly, that isn't an option in the UK. It's down to the owner to sue the place where they've been refused.

    • @qq84
      @qq84 Год назад

      @@kestrimurgel5155 Then the owners have to sue.

  • @SMcCaskill
    @SMcCaskill 4 месяца назад +3

    If they tried that garbage here in the USA that company would be in huge trouble.

    • @Katherine-rg9zn
      @Katherine-rg9zn 5 дней назад

      It's begun to happen in the US.
      Powerless people have to have something to go off on.

  • @LLandS18
    @LLandS18 4 года назад +4

    Well those companies need to be called out!

  • @AdogandAlolitaa
    @AdogandAlolitaa 5 лет назад +11

    It’s against the law under the equality act of 2010 to refuse access or turn away someone with an assistant or guide dog

  • @leonardwolf1820
    @leonardwolf1820 4 года назад +18

    When I was in the military I was in a tavern in Charleston SC in 1968. Three Marines came in but the bartender refused to serve the Marine that was black. Every man in uniform (about twenty of us)got up and walked out with the black Marine. That's the way it should go if a service dog is banned.

  • @gidonbennett4253
    @gidonbennett4253 4 года назад +3

    Publish names of businesses refusing access to service dogs on the internet and social media so the public can boycott them nation wide...

  • @socialistsolidarity
    @socialistsolidarity 7 лет назад +15

    I just can't understand why people don't use their common sense and think they have to be prejudice! This makes me sick, absolutely unacceptable.

    • @qq84
      @qq84 Год назад

      It's not about common sense. They're criminals. They'll commit the crime as long as they believe to get away with it.

  • @davecoutts2872
    @davecoutts2872 8 месяцев назад +2

    When they are asked to leave they should refuse and tell the business owner to call the police.

  • @rebeccarobertson587
    @rebeccarobertson587 4 года назад +6

    If I ever saw any business refusing a blind person because they have an assistance dog I would lose it!!! Id call the police myself and then block anyone from leaving, including all staff and the customer in question and of course the Dog. I work in a supermarket and one of my regulars is blind and he has a beautiful black lab called William. There's a reason guide dogs wear the yellow work kit so we know they are needed every second. I would quiet happily blindfold the member of staff who refused the customer entry and see how they like it. They would then understand why the dog is so important. I give to the guide dog charity every month and will continue to do so for as long as guide dogs are needed. God people are so stupid for refusing entry to a blind person and their dog, you should all be utterly ashamed!!

  • @SimonCowie86
    @SimonCowie86 6 месяцев назад +2

    As a person that is blind but didn’t have a guide dog I just use my white cane.
    The more blind people go public with these local stores the more the message gets out it’s illegal to deny service dogs.
    Whats going to happen is the RNIB are going to advise guide dog owners to record their interaction when out & about going to these businesses.
    Cause when you then are refused you have it on camera to repot them to the police & their head office since it is illegal & if they keep it up you can put it on any social media platform & take it to the media as well as a last resort.
    I think there should be a governmental pannel with the RNIB lawyers & police on it to deal with these places that deny entry to a service dog.

  • @heleneschenbacher8512
    @heleneschenbacher8512 8 лет назад +29

    In the USA we have the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) and it is a $10,000 fine to refuse admission to a person with a service dog.
    That doesn’t mean that everyone who works in a business understands the law--in fact many local police and sheriff’s departments don’t understand the law.
    These are NOT pets. They are utility working dogs.
    My last service dog who died at the age of 12 last year was the sweetest English Cocker Spaniel in the world..trained and could warn me of seizures BEFORE I had one so I could take medication to PREVENT the seizure from occurring.
    So if a business person wouldn’t allow us entrance I HAD to learn not to take it personally because it DOES feel as if I am the one who is being shut out.
    I learned not to get angry--just took a picture of the person, got their name and then sent a handwritten letter to the CEO of the chain store (or the private business owner). The owner would ALWAYS get back to me--“I’m so sorry--please come back”--might even get a gift card--but I didn’t do it for “free stuff.” I wanted to make it easier for the next disabled person.
    If I go into a restaurant I ALWAYS ask the people nearby if it’s okay to sit there--some people are terrified by dogs or are allergic to them--so I don’t want to disturb their meal. 99% of the time people are happy to oblige and then ask “Oh can we pet him??!!” Just try to be nice to folks. Just remember:
    1)We are disabled.
    2)These are NOT pets.
    3)We just want to have an equal chance at life..and that is why we have a federal law for service dogs.
    It costs $50,000 to train a service dog--these are serious working dogs--I’m training my new puppy on my own as I can’t afford $50,000. Dogs are amazing in how they can help!

    • @GhostvaperYT
      @GhostvaperYT 7 лет назад +5

      i think you attitude is correct. i have a mobility scooter and i always ask is it ok to leave it here in store / or if at a meal i make sure it is not in anyones way. a dog is a work dog, it is basically your equipment while working and it should be under the table normally. my mums guide dog sits under table at meals you do not see it.

    • @drew856856
      @drew856856 6 лет назад +3

      im so sorry you have to go threw things like that. i hope the training goes well for your puppy. i think you should be given free training. i hope everything works out for you. mabey you should try starting a gofund. if 10,000 people give 5 bucks then thats your money rite there. agian im sorry to hear about your struggles.

    • @Mistfall254
      @Mistfall254 6 лет назад +1

      Yeah my folks are not able to spend 50k on a program dog so we went to Fayetteville NC and bought a Standard poodle pups to train ourselves, and I just purchased her gear last night she is 2-3 years of age

    • @paulshallbetter1080
      @paulshallbetter1080 2 года назад

      $10,000. No. $500.00. And ADA only really covers access to government buildings or government contractors, government subsidized entities and the like. The ADA (the least enforced law in the U.S.) is a largely useless piece of legislation that 32 years later still has no real teeth. Unemployment among blind Americans is right around 80%, and those who are employed are often, under a different law, paid much less than minimum wage, because the work is certified as "sheltered" employment.
      Here are a few tips for people regarding service animals:
      1. Keep your animal clean. Please. This includes cleaning up the dog's feces.
      2. Carry some form of documentation that states that the animal has been specifically trained by a recognized institution.
      3. Don't get angry at ignorance. Many people instantly react negatively and forcefully to challenges to their presumed "rights."
      4. Please. I know the dog makes you happy...but iit has not been carefully selected as a puppy, gone through a rigorous period of training, etc. DO NOT LIE AND BRING THAT MUTT ON An AIRPLANE.
      There are several recognized "schools" which train dog guides for the blind. Here's a short list:
      1. Guide Dogs for the Blind (
      2. Seeing Eye
      3. Leader Dogs for the Blind
      4. Pilot Dogs for the Blind.
      I am always suspicious of dogs trained by self- appointed, uncertified dog trainers. There is a fellow I know who, simply because he has two blind family members, believes he is qualified to train dog guides. BTW, work harnesses do not always carry the logo of the school or charity which trained the dog, and replacement harnesses are easy to get. Thus, there is a small number of blind people, who legitimately need the service dog, but who have badly trained animals.
      A well- trained guide dog never stops training. A well- kept dog guide doesn't stink, behaves very "professionally" and does not misbehave when in harnesss..
      By the way, please. Dogs are lovely, we love dogs etc. But if you encounter a blind person who is working with a harnessed dog, don't even *ask* to pet the dog. The harness means that the dog is working and must not be distracted.

    • @alenaadler8242
      @alenaadler8242 19 дней назад

      Consequences are necessary. People can learn, if promptly prosecuted.

  • @gaggymott9159
    @gaggymott9159 7 лет назад +31

    I wonder why the guy needs to ask 'Is that ok that I have a Guide Dog?'..... Of course it's ok! In fact, it's illegal to not admit service dogs, and their users/owners. I can't believe this still happens in 2017. SHAME!!

    • @akumanightthorn
      @akumanightthorn 6 лет назад +9

      Gaggy Mott Right?! That's like saying "can I have my wheelchair with me?" Why would you ever say no.

    • @digdeeper3123
      @digdeeper3123 6 лет назад +5

      he's testing to see what they say. he's an advocate as well as a guide dog owner.

    • @lindadaulby
      @lindadaulby 5 лет назад

      Gaggy Mott, it's still happening in 2019.

    • @Ash_Rein
      @Ash_Rein 4 года назад +2

      It’s still happening in almost 2021

  • @stevebayley1550
    @stevebayley1550 8 лет назад +6


    • @GhostvaperYT
      @GhostvaperYT 7 лет назад +2

      thank you for sponsoring, my mum has a guide dog and it has changed her life.

  • @karenjane7715
    @karenjane7715 8 лет назад +10

    That's rediculous they have rights for their independence and safety.

    • @ratingram2901
      @ratingram2901 7 лет назад +2

      I have been. reduced access and im. a guide dog user over15 years if book taxi. I tell them on phone but had bad experience with dog. at ranks. and also had them just drive pass
      we have a law. what should be carry out

  • @indoororchidsandtropicals358
    @indoororchidsandtropicals358 8 лет назад +18

    That's so messed up. I would say, "well tell your manager to call the cops because I'm not leaving, and if I go, it will be in handcuffs." I don't know....Maybe it's because I don't have a guide dog that I feel like I'd have the cahones to stand up for a right like that and I'd be willing to make a scene.

  • @TOPDadAlpha
    @TOPDadAlpha Год назад +1

    I just viewed this video..... I pray things have changed for the better. Anyone/company refusing service needs to face very heavy fines.

  • @nilesgregory3356
    @nilesgregory3356 4 года назад +11

    this is sadly very real I live in America and have an assistance dog and my school is making me pass all kinds of unnecessary and expensive tests for me to be allowed to bring him on campus. it just feels as all the extremely hard work you put into training your dog and working as a team is disregarded and it really hurts. I right now am living in fear of not getting the test passed on time before my school opens back up and being denied my service dog who makes my independence possible.

    • @virginiacorcoran1326
      @virginiacorcoran1326 Год назад +4

      The ADA specifically says you cannot be forced to prove your disability, or to prove that your dog is a registered guide/assistance dog.

    • @The_InfantMalePollockFrancis
      @The_InfantMalePollockFrancis Год назад

      That's the price of demanding your pet to follow you around. Unless you are deaf or blind, you don't need a guide dog. An emotional assistance animal, too bad.

    • @The_InfantMalePollockFrancis
      @The_InfantMalePollockFrancis Год назад

      ​@@virginiacorcoran1326That's really convenient cited often. Too bad too many people pass of their pets as guide dogs. That ADA stipulation will never be enforced because dog people are weird and should not be enabled.

    • @SuperMichelleDJ
      @SuperMichelleDJ Год назад +2

      It's against the law for anyone to force you to prove your disability.

  • @justsad-1392
    @justsad-1392 17 дней назад

    I am stunned! Stand your ground and cite the law, have your phone in your hand (even if it is dead of battery) and say lawyer is on speed dial. I would hope I would stand with anyone this happened to and do anything they asked of me in way of assistance.

  • @kennethcartwright8561
    @kennethcartwright8561 3 месяца назад +2

    It’s illegal to refuse entrance to an assistant Dog specially if it’s a Guide Dog

  • @maunster3414
    @maunster3414 4 года назад +3

    I would tell my manager that people with service dogs are allowed by law and then ask the customer if s/he needed help.

  • @wristdisabledwriter2893
    @wristdisabledwriter2893 6 лет назад +2

    It’s bad enough when regular businesses do it but physical therapy offices should be ashamed

  • @isoney
    @isoney 4 года назад +3

    Where I live, we have a lot of local guide dog trainers so it’s a very common sight to see trainee guide dogs out and about. It’s really lovely actually, especially when they are quite little and being socialised and the trainers let you pet them. Homesense, Slimming World, the library, I’ve spotted them everywhere really. I think it’s good for businesses to get more experience with assistance dogs too, so they understand the law and are more confident in the dogs. I know there is a lot of fear, misinformation and wrong assumptions about assistance dogs (just look at this comments section!) and there are people do some fantastic educational stuff with showing people how disciplined and skilled they are. It is a scandal that people with guide dogs are still being illegally refused entry into places.

  • @lesleywhibley
    @lesleywhibley Год назад +1

    Those who turn away guide dogs or services dog are the ones breaking the law. And clearly not educated them self's in our laws.

  • @waltervandersteen4132
    @waltervandersteen4132 4 года назад +5

    Unbelievable, what's wrong with these people! They have a service dog for a good reason! Why would you deny them access or entrance. So wrong. I cannot believe this still happens in 2020. Shame on those people who make it more difficult for them than it already is.

  • @HerShenanigans
    @HerShenanigans 7 лет назад +3

    I live the USA And it's illegal! to refuse entry and any type of service for guide dog handler's or any team in general ( in the US there is medical alert, Psychiatric, Hearing aid, Guide, mobility dog's and so much more. ) It's such an unhealthy manner and such a discrimination against both the Dog and the handler themselves. I Think each country with service/Assitant animals need their rules to go more strict about service animals.

  • @judithmatthews8460
    @judithmatthews8460 5 лет назад +4

    I think it's very hard when you suffer from a disability to stand your ground as people suggest. Many people with a disability would find it too upsetting. They feel demeaned unwanted and rejected. I think if we see such discrimination happening it's important to step forward. Record and remind people they are breaking the law. Offer support. It's a form of bullying and should be prosecuted like any other law breach.

  • @Nirrrina
    @Nirrrina 6 лет назад +3

    Don't people understand that these dogs aren't pets. They are medical equipment. Plane and simple they are the exact same as a wheelchair, walker etc.
    A good service dog will just disappear into the woodwork. Kind of like furniture
    Except obviously they are living creatures who should be cared for. But their handlers give them all the love and affection they need.
    I actually had a conversation with a sight impaired man on the bus. He had said his dog was still in training. So I looked over and told him she was doing great. Just lying there out of the way like furniture. He said that's the best compliment you can give.

  • @kar351
    @kar351 4 года назад +2

    I know this is 4 years old, but I could not believe that in the UK, blind people got this kind of stupidity.
    I am from Portugal, and no one, no where, would ever even consider to tell someone blind that had to leave a store or whatever the case because of a guide dog.
    The law is pretty clear, normal animals, like companion dogs are not allowed in coffee shops, supermarkets, taxis and so on, but guide dogs go everywhere the owner goes.
    Also, this for me is why German is amazing, I went to many restaurants in Germany where dog owners would bring their dogs, (not guide dogs) and they are allowed to get in, of course there must be some rules, like the behavior of the dog, the ones I saw, were laid down by the owner at the restaurant.
    Guess animal rights and pet owner rights do not matter.

  • @WoodlandAsh
    @WoodlandAsh 4 года назад +2

    Genuinely this is all they need to say: “what you’re doing is illegal, I’m calling the police.” And follow through.

    • @kestrimurgel5155
      @kestrimurgel5155 2 года назад

      It's a civil matter. The police can't arrest the manager. Shame, really, it might concentrate a few minds.

  • @stuforty2
    @stuforty2 6 лет назад +4

    Aww I drove a cab for a few months and was happy to have guide doggies in footwell 😀

  • @THE-X-Force
    @THE-X-Force 4 года назад +1

    Just document the event and sue them out of business. What they're doing is disgraceful and against the law.

  • @Blackwater_House
    @Blackwater_House 4 года назад +2

    Unfortunately this is a Universal Problem and one which needs to be Stomped On real quick. So if you Witness it happen, get Involved and Offer your Services for any Prosecutions which might arise.

  • @craigshrimpton5765
    @craigshrimpton5765 4 года назад +3

    The first thing I would say is go tell your manager that this will impact both himself and the company once the authorities and the media hear about this. Let's see what he says then.

  • @meebzilla
    @meebzilla Год назад +1

    This happens more often than not in the US too. Even when I tell the hotelier or shopkeeper that it’s illegal to refuse us they still say they understand but they don’t want to upset their other customers. It’s frustrating and humiliating and indeed has an emotional impact.

    • @SuperMichelleDJ
      @SuperMichelleDJ Год назад +1

      If hotel managers are worried about upsetting their customers, cover their eyes with the blindfold and ask them to walk around without a mobility aid. that will fix them!

  • @jackryder-sw9rk
    @jackryder-sw9rk 5 лет назад +1

    If a business of any kind that refuses entry (unlawfully), to a service dog, it ought to be fined a large amount which should go to the organisation that provided the Service Dog.

    @LARGE_COKE 2 года назад +3

    My dad has PTSD from serving in the UKSF he has an assistance dog trained by Service Dog's UK that is trained to pick up cue's should he become anxious or panic and she is the only reason he has reintegrated into society. But more often than not just because his disibility is not visable they attempt to turn him away, they usually give up beacuse he know's the law's and his rights. Her vest says not to pet her (because she becomes distracted but this is often mistaken that she is dangerous as she is a german shepard she is the kindest hearted thing in existence) It was a hassle to get her as we dont live in a certian part of the UK which is part of the criteria to apply though something needs to be done about that.
    In the UK disabled people that use assistance (service) dogs have important rights under the Equality Act 2010. The law protects people with disabilities to ensure that they can enjoy the same rights as everyone else to use the services supplied by shops, banks, hotels, libraries, pubs, taxis and restaurants. Should the dog be approved and trained by certian charity members. (you are also given certification/identification) So no matter the dog's job as an assistance dog if it is certified it is illegal to deny access.

  • @mjtgangellove5441
    @mjtgangellove5441 Год назад

    Dave I agree with you about people should be prosecuted for denying guide dog users in Uber Lyft and businesses. I have only happened a couple of times but Uber and Lyft several times. My name is Jaime Smathers from America 🇺🇸

  • @PhyllisGlassup2TheBrim
    @PhyllisGlassup2TheBrim 4 года назад +1

    It's not an unknown law that assistance dogs are allowed in shops. Ignorance is no excuse. The only way forward is an automatic £1000 fine for anyone refusing the allow someone to access everywhere that an able bodied persona can go, purely on the basis that they have an assistance dog.Sometimes, people only learn if the lesson costs them money. Shame on Superdrug. I boycotted them because they supported Brexit. I'm afraid I won't do business with a company which attacks my freedom to travel wherever I want to outside the UK and attacks people who need an assistant dog and denies them the right to move freely in their shops. Despicable company.

  • @jessicawatson7360
    @jessicawatson7360 8 лет назад +21

    Wow I've never met a guide dog that presses the button

    • @GhostvaperYT
      @GhostvaperYT 7 лет назад +11

      yes they can and do. my mums opens doors.

    • @lavitadogtrainer444
      @lavitadogtrainer444 5 лет назад +2

      My service dog (USA) can open and close doors, open and close the fridge, push buttons, undo zippers, bring me and open my EpiPen, bring me an uncapped my inhaler, and do so much more. I started with the Cavalier King Charles spaniel but needed to switch to something larger so now I use a Siberian husky. I needed something with a little bit more of a sharper wit than a lab or golden retriever. ;)

    • @lavitadogtrainer444
      @lavitadogtrainer444 5 лет назад +2

      Hahaaa. I mean no disrespect to them. They are both lovely breeds. I meant that I need a more independent, strong willed breed that can go for hours and have the strength to pull me forward. A husky is a better fit for me than a lab and golden. Also, I never had to worry about my lab puppy, golden puppy, or GSD puppy opening the doors on their own. My husky taught himself at 4 1/2 months to do it. That skill I actually needed once to let paramedics in to come get me.
      I’m just blown away by my current dog and Like my other retired dogs I’m already dreading the day I have to replace him. :(

  • @ThomasAtapaz
    @ThomasAtapaz 4 месяца назад +1

    Try to work with other dog owners, maybe they could list shops and such like, on their web pages so that members would back you up in situations and by boycott. There is always strength in numbers, and as a dog owners I will always admire working dogs!

  • @neilburns8869
    @neilburns8869 4 месяца назад +2

    Has anyone else heard of anything so stupid?
    It's as if they are trying to prove that it ain't just American voters who have a monopoly on stupidity.

  • @patrickdoyle9369
    @patrickdoyle9369 4 года назад +2

    Lets have some information on the shop where it is and lets have that MANAGER REMOVED from his post ASAP.

  • @geraldaird9390
    @geraldaird9390 3 года назад +1

    If someone tells you to leave just refuse, if they call the police insist that the business is dealt with by the law.

  • @aryastark772
    @aryastark772 3 года назад +2

    This is so depressing. Guide dogs are the most well behaved animals in the world. More well behaved than many people

  • @annabarham155
    @annabarham155 7 лет назад +4

    I’ve been quite lucky with my guide dog, but this is outrageous!

  • @biscuitninja
    @biscuitninja 6 лет назад +5

    I don't know the law in Britain, but I'm sure a few lawsuits might be quite beneficial.

  • @sassy2086
    @sassy2086 4 года назад +3

    I would say "Do you want to be sued?"

    @BALDYMANS123 4 года назад +11

    taxi drivers can lose there licence. for refusing a sevice dog . just ask for the badge number and report them to the local council

    • @RoraighPrice
      @RoraighPrice 3 года назад +1

      -what about gypsy cabs or uber/lyft for that matter. there unregulated and I bet the main complaint like in hotels is haveing to clean up afterwards.

    • @BALDYMANS123
      @BALDYMANS123 3 года назад

      @@RoraighPrice im talking licensed Hackney or Private hire. as both have to have a Enhanced profile Check before there licence is granted. I would not use a unlicensed car or driver.

  • @kezia8835
    @kezia8835 4 года назад +3

    I used to work in food retail and a lady used to come in with a guide dog who used to eat anything she could reach. She was a lovely dog, but it was such an awkward thing trying to figure out how to ban a guide dog without getting a backlash.

    • @julieeverett7442
      @julieeverett7442 4 года назад +3

      that, unfortunately for the lady, IS one of the reasons a service dog can be banned, not properly trained

    • @SuperMichelleDJ
      @SuperMichelleDJ Год назад +1

      Ring up the guide dog company where this lady was at and they will take her guide dog away for mishandling the dog. if people are allowing their dogs to eat food at the shops, that's their problem, not the dog.

    • @lindag4544
      @lindag4544 6 месяцев назад

      if the dog was doing that it (eating food from displays in the shop) was not properly trained . or a fake serviced dog, In the US when a service dogs misbehaves, the business is allowed to have them leave.

  • @f8tempter1
    @f8tempter1 8 лет назад +26

    Wonder what the muslim mayor of London thinks of all of this?.. Good luck guys!

    • @TrueNovice
      @TrueNovice 8 лет назад +8

      My guess is the Muslim mayor of London believes forcing Muslim owned businesses to allow service dogs (as the disability law requires) is a vicious attack upon Islam, and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (Praise be Upon Him). This will only provoke further Muslim violence, and the West will have only itself to blame for it. Also Trump must also share some of the blame by his incendiary anti Islamic comments which will also provoke the Muslims to even greater violence. And the enlightened Muslim mayor will of course be once again praised by the media for speaking out against intolerance.

    • @f8tempter1
      @f8tempter1 8 лет назад +9

      TrueNovice I can't figure out whether you are an apologist for islam, or sarcastic? Preposterous and illogical that you say the West is to blame for violence on the part of muslims! Anything that someone says, despite how unsavoury it may sound, that results in angry mobs of muslims committing acts of violence only serves to prove how dangerous this "faith" really is to humanity, and needs to be outlawed and eradicated, the sooner the better!

    • @f8tempter1
      @f8tempter1 8 лет назад +2

      TrueNovice Are you muslim?..

    • @TrueNovice
      @TrueNovice 8 лет назад +1


    • @f8tempter1
      @f8tempter1 8 лет назад +4

      TrueNovice Then why do you make asinine comments like this: "Also Trump must also share some of the blame by his incendiary anti Islamic comments which will also provoke the Muslims to even greater violence."

  • @raymondfunnel6856
    @raymondfunnel6856 2 года назад +1

    This is against the law the business can be prosecuted if they refuse

  • @Luka_rose
    @Luka_rose 5 лет назад +1

    Oh my god. A service dog should NOT pull on the leash even at other dogs. No wounded the people want that girl to leave.

  • @markadamson2102
    @markadamson2102 8 месяцев назад

    You know what they need to allow apologising.They need to be consequences.

  • @fireskycam9889
    @fireskycam9889 4 года назад +2

    Would be better to have a service dog in restaurants than some of the loud rude grubs that go to some of them.

  • @davecharlesspencer
    @davecharlesspencer Год назад +1

    I’m a GD Owner and the problem is the law is not classed as criminal law and until that changes we will always be treated this way

  • @sanddancer68
    @sanddancer68 4 года назад +1

    If challenged tell the the assistant to tell the manager to go forth any multiply,wait for the police and see who gets charged.?

  • @openbabel
    @openbabel 7 лет назад +7

    always use the same taxis company so you can trust them.....taxis rank have just refused to take blind people in surrey...procecution is the only way.

  • @Ash_Rein
    @Ash_Rein 7 лет назад +19

    Try getting an Uber in the states. Then get refused four times in a row. Then be promised it will never happen. And try to use Uber once more and then refused four more times in a row

    • @GhostvaperYT
      @GhostvaperYT 7 лет назад +3

      I am not in USA but do you not have laws against this?

    • @Ash_Rein
      @Ash_Rein 7 лет назад +9

      GhostVaperYT the laws aren’t really reinforced. The driver drives away. The police don’t care. And if the company does anything, it’s long after the driver refused service

    • @GhostvaperYT
      @GhostvaperYT 7 лет назад +1

      oh well then i guess you will just have to put up with it. it's a case of put up or shut up then. Either that or you take a stand and goto your local person MP or congressman you have there and try to get a group of blind people together. i bet there are 1000's this effects try to get some support and get this put right.

    • @Ash_Rein
      @Ash_Rein 7 лет назад +7

      GhostVaperYT Uber has been sued over this. They settled out of court. On Paper, a Company Like Uber Says And Does All The Right Things Which is to Have The Proper Documentation. In Many Cases they do get Rid of their drivers For Refusing a Person Due to Their seeing eye dog. However, for every one person they remove off the platform three take that driver’s place. it’s also a matter of many of the drivers cultures and lack of understanding or caring about the policy that interferes with them following the policies and laws. as stated, The driver should be find over $1000 for refusing a person with a seeing eye dog. this is not the case though. The Driver usually just doesn’t understand the law due to language barrier’s. They understand just enough to use the application and make money from it. They Rarely Are Told That They Cannot Refuse a user With the seeing eye dog. If They Are Told, They Either Still Refuse Becauase they have never had to pick up a blind person with the dog before I don’t think that it’s actually a reality for them. similarly, The chances of them picking up a user with a seeing eye dog after someone like me so slim, that it’s an anomaly to be ignored. like I said, if they are taken off the platform, many many others take that one person’s place and the cycle continues. multiple factors are prevalent in this issue. going to the police does nothing because the police say they have bigger issues to deal with. going to Uber resolves nothing because they do not believe it is right and encourage the user to report the incident. The drivers don’t care because it’s something that isn’t important to them. The only person that has to deal with it on a constant basis is a person with a seeing eye dog who is regularly refused and discriminated against.

    • @GhostvaperYT
      @GhostvaperYT 7 лет назад +6

      i get what you are saying bro, just fucking makes me angry as hell. if i had a car i'd offer a FREE service for disabled people. FREE, just pay the fuel thats it so it doesn't cost me. I'd do it voluntary a few times a week.

  • @markadamson2102
    @markadamson2102 8 месяцев назад +1

    Yeah , legally taxes are not allowed to refuse Assistance To anyone that has a guide dog

  • @Katherine-rg9zn
    @Katherine-rg9zn 5 дней назад

    The sevice dog owners should keep their distance from the kitchen and be professional. How we act represents the service dog community.❤

  • @paulhills8435
    @paulhills8435 3 года назад +3

    Give me a guide dog im a restaurant anytime rather than some snotty spoilt little darling toddler having a tantrum a lot of young parents now have a lot to awnser for can we ban out of order toddlers instead and keep the well behave guide dogs PLEASE 🐕

  • @christal2641
    @christal2641 3 года назад +1

    Thank you. It's better in the U.S., I turn on my voice recorder, hand them a card with the ADA law. I still get grief but I've become more assertive.

  • @ayrshireman94
    @ayrshireman94 6 лет назад +6

    I've been partially sighted for 23 years I was also diagnosed with epilepsy in 2012
    I applied for a guide dog in 2016 and I was told because I was "perfectly mobile" I wouldn't need a guide dog
    I see hundreds of blind people with guide dogs, and I think "that should be me"
    But apparently I'm too mobile!

    • @likeabunnie
      @likeabunnie 6 лет назад +2

      ayrshireman94 *hugs* I'm so sorry to hear that... It really sucks how many are in need of a service dog but unable to get one.
      It is possible to owner train a service dog... It's certainly not easy, but there's info online about it, I like the RUclips channel "service dog vlog", but there's a lot of great info around... I hope that gives you some hope that there's options! Best of luck!

    • @ayrshireman94
      @ayrshireman94 6 лет назад +5

      I don't let it upset me now
      As I now have a beautiful fox red Labrador called Frankie
      My mum and dad bought him after I received this news
      I'm now epileptic and Frankie (who hasn't had any training whatsoever) have saved me from every single fit

    • @ohwell2790
      @ohwell2790 6 лет назад

      @@likeabunnie: I knew a woman who had black outs and had a dog, but she drove a car, what gives on that? dog going to park the car? Some people abuse this and should be fined for it. See, how the few can make people suspect of those really in need. Shame on those who abuse this.

    • @SuperMichelleDJ
      @SuperMichelleDJ Год назад

      So it's okay to bully people with disabilities because other people are bringing in pretend Service animals? Blame the disabled people with their Service dogs then? this would be like me deciding that people in a wheelchair can't come into my home because some people abuse mobility aids by pretending to have a disability so therefore, nobody is allowed inside with a wheelchair. or if somebody has an oxygen tank they aren't allowed to hang out with me because they could just be pretending to need oxygen. it's a whole heap of bullshit and yes, people who are doing the wrong thing need to be punished. That doesn't mean you go around bullying the people who are not doing anything wrong who actually need these mobility aids and assistant dogs.

  • @wasntme9578
    @wasntme9578 5 лет назад +1

    My dad in the 70's got a lot of refusals for entry with his guide dog. Very frustrating. The laws were in place at that time but ignorance of the law was common place.
    Now I think they've gone overboard. Too many people abuse the law just so they can take pets on the plane or in restraunts.

  • @jetnight88
    @jetnight88 Год назад

    The discrimination of this is disgusting

  • @luke144
    @luke144 4 года назад +2

    People want to complain about discrimination, disabled people see the ugliest side of humanity. I've been treated like I have brain damage and I'm a child and I've been yelled at and called some ugly things... All because a wheelchair/ambulatory assistance. Why hate someone in such a tough situation? I see far more hate from the public then I do love. I guess that goes for us all, I just see a lot more now that I can't walk around. Stairs mean you're not welcome.

  • @markwatts2532
    @markwatts2532 3 года назад +1

    Every migrant cab/uber driver flatly refuses to take guide dogs...yet these dogs are FAR cleaner than the average person....and NOTHING is done about this discriminatory action.

  • @DerekDogsforSentience
    @DerekDogsforSentience 4 месяца назад +1

    Videos and prosecution. If they can criminalise free speech then surely this MUST be jail worthy offence.

  • @tobeytransport2802
    @tobeytransport2802 4 года назад +1

    I don’t see why dogs shouldn’t be allowed in full stop! As long as they are well behaved

  • @DreamstartheWarrior
    @DreamstartheWarrior 4 года назад +1

    In the USA we have a massive issue with face service/assistance dogs. We have the exact opposite issue. No one will ask the two legal questions “is it a SD and what tasks does it perform?” We have emotional support dogs/ pets being passed off as service dogs. My dog and I have nearly been bitten countless times.

    • @SuperMichelleDJ
      @SuperMichelleDJ Год назад

      The problem is, people can lie and say that the dog does so many tasks and whatever they want to carry on with. The idea is to ring the particular training school for that Service dog and if there's no record of that dog, it's probably fake. For example, you ask what the Service dog does and which school they trained at. If the person isn't willing to answer those questions, assume they are fake and apologise later. this means you are kicking everyone out who has a dog, but in the end you'll find out which dog is a real Service animal and you can let those dogs into the business.

  • @MissesWitch
    @MissesWitch 4 года назад +2

    Honestly, It's just a simple act of kindness to let these people onto your cab or store. It's basic morals and courtesy to allow this.. What's wrong with people?
    Maybe your religious faith doesn't like dogs but that's a blind person! The sin of rejecting a blind person with a dog is far greater than one allowing the dog. It's an absolute necessity to their lives.

  • @nadyulife
    @nadyulife 3 года назад +1

    I think all guide dogs should come with free camera or for a blind person to be allowed to wear a body cam for their own protection. Such as if they need to sue a company or a government, they’ll have proof.
    Please guys, let’s help each other out and be kind!

  • @randalglyph602
    @randalglyph602 5 лет назад +3

    Taxi drivers whose religion tells its followers to hate and kill dogs, are persecuting blind people. Sue them.

    • @SuperMichelleDJ
      @SuperMichelleDJ Год назад

      Persecute me for being blind and having a guide dog? Don't have a decent afterlife forever. I truthfully cannot tolerate and strongly dislike religious people who persecute other people.

  • @marsiaglenwright8270
    @marsiaglenwright8270 Год назад

    Disgusting behaviour, these dogs are trained to eat on command, poo, pee on command to keep their person out of harms way. Those refusing the peson and dog are breaking laws! Shame, shame, shame